Love is Like Wind

"Eh, let it be, Xiao Ping. You don't need to wash it," Mr. Bai prevents once he knew Xiao Ping is washing the cooking wares that piles up in the sink.

"It's okay, Boss. You were the one who cooked, so I'm the one who clean," Xiao Ping says while washing a stainless steel pan that was wore for the sukiyaki. Mr. Bai takes a rag to dry the cooking wares that have been cleaned.

"The sukiyaki was so delicious, by the way," Xiao Ping flatters. "It was nothing. Yu Jin's made is even better. I learnt from him," Mr. Bai says. Xiao Ping widens her eyes.

"Yu Jin also can cook ?" she asks in disbelief. "Of course. We're living alone, so being able to cook is a must," Mr. Bai tells then chuckles.

"But I hope Yu Jin won't be single forever like I do," he adds. Xiao Ping clams up. Actually she wants to ask something, but she is hesitate. Eventually, Mr. Bai notices it.

"I'm guessing you want to ask why I'm staying single like this," Mr. Bai guesses correctly that makes Xiao Ping turns to him and says, "How did you know ?" Mr. Bai giggles. To see Xiao Ping has finished washing, he gives her a towel to dry her hands.

"I once had a girlfriend.. looong time ago " Mr. Bai starts his story while coming out of the kitchen. Xiao Ping is tailing the man then both sit on the sofa. Mr. Bai starts to smoke.

"But turned out, after two years of our relationship I realized that she had never really loved me," Mr. Bai continues. Once again Xiao Ping turns to silent as she does not know how to respond this kind of story.

"Whom she really love is my brother." Xiao Ping's eyes wide shot. Mr. Bai's brother is ... Yu Jin's father. "So..."

Mr. Bai nods with a face smiling looks far away. "She dated me was as a request from my brother. Whereas my brother was actually loved her, too." Mr. Bai exhales the smoke from his mouth slowly then grins. "Complex, wasn't it ?" Xiao Ping nods once. Silence is drowning between them.

"Then.." Xiao Ping hesitates while she is actually curious.

"Then.. of course I told her to date my brother. And I'm happy to see them happy now," Mr. Bai explains. Xiao Ping looks at Mr. Bai between admiration and confuse.

"Love is like a wind, Xiao Ping. It moves wherever it wants to. If there is a wall that blocks it, it will move to find a way out. So, when you insist to own it, like capture it inside a jar and lock it inside, it is no longer a wind. The wind has been dead. What left is emptiness," Mr. Bai answers her confusedness. It takes her a couple of moment to understand his philosophy.

"But I hope Yu Jin does not have the same fate as mine," Mr. Bai ends his sentence with a glance to Xiao Ping who is still busy with her thought. Mr. Bai smokes his cigarette.

"Btw, Yu Jin called yesterday. Once he knew you were often came here, he sent his regards," Mr. Bai changes the topic.

Xiao Ping turns enthusiastically. "Really ? Aagh, i feel bad. Yu Jin has called my home twice, but I was always still not home," she says a bit pouting.

"You play until night ?" Mr. Bai asks. "Not really. I just often visit A Dao's stall," Xiao Ping replies. "His boss usually went out around seven PM. So I wait."

Mr. Bai's eyebrows frowns. "What's for ?" he asks. Xiao Ping shyly scratches her head. "I.. I secretly read magazine in the stall," she confesses. "You bad girl," Mr. Bai says then patting her head gently. The pat is similar to Yu Jin's.