Love Statement

"But she loves Takeshi," Yu Jin says in rebuttal tone. Mr. Bai giggles and smokes his cigarette.

"You mean Takeshi the Japanese idol ? Ckckck.. Yu Jin, that's not love, that's admiration," Mr. Bai convinces. Yu Jin shakes his head then straights his back of the sofa, putting his elbows on his thighs.

"Xiao Ping loves him. She said it to me. Beside, I've seen it in her eyes. Everyday one she thinks of is just Takeshi. Her sadness, her happiness.. they are all related to him," Yu Jin explains.

"Yu Jin, that is how teenage girls idolize a star. They really-really blind until they can't even know the difference between admiration and love," Mr. Bai speaks then continues before his nephew can argue. "Xiao Ping has never been dating before. She has never known how a love is. It is possible now she hasn't realized that she actually loves you."

Yu Jin looks at his uncle. Mr Bai presses his cigarette on an ashtray to put it off. "Listen. She missed you when you were at Indonesia. She was never bored to listen my stories about you. She is also very close to you, even attached. You were the one that said that you are the only one who knows about her relationship with the idol. It means you are her most trusted person. You are second to none for her, " Mr. Bai persuades.

Yu Jin sights. "I'm afraid she won't think the same when she knows how I feel," he says. "Take the risk, Yu Jin," Mr. Bai ensures. Yu Jin shakes his head. "I better not say a word than losing her."

"How can you sure you will lose her ? Even if she does not have the same feeling, I'm sure she won't leave you. She needs you," Mr. Bai persuades even more.

"You said love can't be forced," Yu Jin argues. "Love also should not be allowed to disappear without clarity," Mr. Bai reminds him. Yu Jin back in silent.

"Listen. Why are you so afraid ? She even asked you to have a dinner on Chinese Valentine's day.."

"That's because she wants to thank me," Yu Jin snaps.

"But why is it on that date ?" Mr. Bai argues. Yu Jin shrugs. "Just tell her on that day. Be a real man," Mr. Bai says with a challenge at the end of his sentence.


Takeshi comes out of his bathroom while scraping towel on his wet hair. He just back from Kochi an hour ago. His heavy eyes are now fresh since he slept for some moment when he soaked at the hot tub. After comforting his seat on his bed, he places the laptop on his thigh and turns it on. Like he has expected, Xiao Ping sent him emails, yet he does not expect what she wrote:

"I'm glad that my words really can help you face your days with a smile. Cause the truth is you are all the reason I keep on smiling. All of your attentions, your worries for me … they really do make me overwhelm. And I want to have a confession to you … I can no longer lie. Telling my self that I love you as a big brother is a lie. Cause honestly … I love you more than that. Xiao Ping "

Another email, about two minutes distant from the above email wrote:

"Please forget what I've just told you in the last email. It's not that it isn't true. It is true. But if it bothers you, please just ignore it, and pretend that I never said it. Actually I prefer to keep it in my heart. I don't know why I told you. And now I don't know whether I should regret it or not. I just hope I still can be your shiawase."

Takeshi is stunned, unblinkingly stares at the monitor.


"Forgive me, Yu Jin," Xiao Ping says.

"What's for ?" Yu Jin asks from the kitchen.

"Eventually I give you more bothersome," Xiao Ping says in regret. Yu Jin chuckles. "It's alright. I'm happy," he says then comes out of the kitchen while rubbing his hands on his pant.

At first, Xiao Ping planned to bring a home cooking dish to be eaten with Yu Jin in the Chinese Valentine's day. Her mother even helped her to cook it. Unfortunately, on her way to Yu Jin's apartment Xiao Ping fell from her bike. All of the food she brought was fell on the ground. The only thing survived was a chocolate pudding that was place in an air tight jar. But, when the jar was opened, the pudding was totally scrambled. Finally that night they ate impromptu spaghetti made by Yu Jin.

"Is it still hurt ?" Yu Jin asks about Xiao Ping's leg that struck down by her bicycle. "A little," Xiao Ping says then grimaces. Yu Jin sits next to her and lifts her left leg and put it on his lap.

"Ouuch!" Xiao Ping screams a little. "But the swelling has deflated," Yu Jin says after checking it up. "I'll spread more ointment, okay ?" Yu Jin offers. Xiao Ping nods. Yu Jin reaches the ointment on the table and starts spreading it on Xiao Ping's swollen ankle.

"It's even," Xiao Ping says in her effort to withstand the pain. "It was the right foot, now the left," she says pointing on the crossing the street accident back then.

Yu Jin grins to hear it. "Finish," he says while bends down to put Xiao Ping's leg carefully. "Thank you," Xiao Ping speaks then leans down, trying to see her leg's condition. In the same time Yu Jin straightens his body. Thus, his head bumps Xiao Ping's chin. "Ouuch!!" Xiao Ping screams.

"Sorry.. sorry..," Yu Jin says. In reflex he rubs Xiao Ping's chin, covers Xiao Ping's hand that has also rubbed the chin. "Your lip is bleeding," Yu Jin tells her then leans his body, touching his thumb on her lower lip. Xiao Ping tells him not to worry. Just realizing how close their faces to each other, Yu Jin is stunned. "I'm okay. You are worrying too much," Xiao Ping thinks Yu Jin's stun is because he worries for her.

Yu Jin stares at Xiao Ping. This is it, he says inwardly. He then holds Xiao Ping's hand and petting it. "You are right. I always worry about you," Yu Jin finds his opening sentence. "You don't mind, do you ?" Xiao Ping shakes her head al though she doesn't understand the meaning of it.

"Of course not. I'm actually grateful to have your attention," she says. Yu Jin smiles and gently pats her head. "That's because I really care for you," he reveals. "I care about Yu Jin, too," Xiao Ping replies the sweetly smiles, "I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend."

Yu Jin deeply stares at her eyes while they stare back with sparkles. "What if I ..." Yu Jin intends to say 'what if I care for you more than friend' but his cellular in his pocket vibrates. Yu Jin shortly sighs then accepts the call.

"Hello," he greets the caller. "Oh, Prof. Zhan. The latest data ? In a minute, it is on my computer." Yu Jin stands from the sofa and walks to his room.

Xiao Ping stares at his leave for a while then goes back checking her foot. When she is done, she raises her head and sees laptop on the table. She remembers that Takeshi should be home yesterday. Xiao Ping's heart is pounding when she turns on the laptop. she can't imagine how Takeshi reacted when he read her email. Maybe he laughed at her. Or.. maybe even angry ? She is a bit relieved when she knows Takeshi sent her email. At least it means he is not too upset to her. Xiao Ping clicks the link to open the email while preparing her heart for the worst.


"Forgive me, Xiao Ping, that was ..." To see Xiao Ping's pale face, the sentence is cut. "What's wrong ?" Yu Jin asks in worry.

"Yu Jin ... " That's all Xiao Ping can say. As a return, she points at the laptop with a trembling hand. Yu Jin reads the writing on it.

"I can't say a word. My heart is filled with joy but also with a slice of shame. Forgive me. I'm the one who should told you in the first place. Please don't regret what you have said, cause it's something that my heart also want to tell you. My heart is full with two things now. Love and happiness. And they are wrapped in one word. You. I love you, my Shiawase. You own my heart. Can I stay in yours as well ?"