
Xiao Ping's smile blossoms so wide until it narrows her eyes while her legs step on escalator's stair. "What's wrong with you ?" Er Hua asks when she is beside her. Xiao Ping is stammered a bit. "Something's wrong with me ?" Xiao Ping asks pretending does not understand.

"You've been smiling since we met," Er Hua says. Xiao Ping raises her eyebrows then quickly shakes her head. "I'm not," she denies then purposely turns her head to the other side to avoid Er Hua's look. Actually, since the beginning they were met today, Xiao Ping had reminded her self to not shown her overjoy. But it was useless. She could not hold her smile even for a second. Like now, the smile is already growing again.

"See.. You're smiling again," Er Hua catches it. "I'm happy because I finally can go out with you," Xiao Ping lies. Er Hua pouts disbelief. "We have gone out for several times this summer," she says then quickly turns to Xiao Ping and stares at her with interrogating look.

"Are you in love ?" Er Hua makes a guess. Xiao Ping shakes her head. "Or perhaps.. you even have a boyfriend already ?" Er Hua makes another guess. Xiao Ping shakes her head even faster and mumbling a denial. But her turning-red face is enough to prove that Er Hua's guess is right.

"It really is true !! God.. who is he ?" Er Hua pursues. Xiao Ping shakes her head again. "Come on, tell me. Who is it ?" Er Hua urges even more.

To distract Er Hua, Xiao Ping quickly steps off from the escalator and walks toward a toy store. "Look, Er Hu.. this piggy stuff is so cute !" she exclaims while taking and hugging a purple pig stuff. When she doesn't hear Er Hua's response, Xiao Ping turns her body and found her friend stands three meters away in sullen. Xiao Ping puts back the doll and approaches Er Hua.

"Er Hua, are you angry ?" she asks carefully. "Why are you keeping a secret from me now ?" Er Hua asks and telling her pique. Xiao Ping becomes awkward. "It's not like that ..."

"I have never kept a secret from you," Er Hua snaps. Xiao Ping drops her head down. They are in silent for a quite long time. Er Hua who thought that Xiao Ping is going to tell her the secret becomes more upset to know Xiao Ping keeps silent.

"Ah, never mind !" Er Hua says while stomping her foot on the floor, "If you don' want to tell me, I won't force." Xiao Ping raises her head in coincide with Er Hua turns her back and walks away.

"Er Hua ..." Xiao Ping chases her. "I'm going home," Er Hua says without turning to her nor stop. "Aren't we going to the movie ?" Xiao Ping reminds her. "I cancel it out. I have no mood," Er Hua tightly says. Because of fear, Xiao Ping stops and lets Er Hua leave her. When she realizes Xiao Ping didn't chase her, Er Hu is becoming more upset and with wide steps goes to the parking lot.


Xiao Ping turns her head to the left to see the clock. It's pass eight already, she says inwardly. Now her head is turning back, hoping soon to hear the creak of the apartment door behind her. Her hope does not fulfill. The door is still as silent as for hour ago. Xiao Ping sighs while dragging her bang backward. Why has not Yu Jin come home yet ? She asks her self. She wants to talk to Yu Jin about her problem with Er Hua, but the guy who she considers as big brother has not come home. Yu Jin still has not come home when Xiao Ping turns off the lamp and closes the door an hour later.


"Yu Jin...," Xiao Ping calls while is knocking at the door. There is no sound from inside the apartment. Finally Xiao Ping decides to open the door with her key. It is still 9 AM, maybe Yu Jin is still sleeping.

When she enters the one-bedroom apartment, Xiao Ping almost thinks that Yu Jin did not come home last night. Only a mug upside down on a dish rack that indicates the guy was home last night. Xiao Ping steps to Yu Jin's bedroom's closing door. She hesitantly twists the door knob. The door is immediately opened and shows a bit messy room. No one in that room. The bathroom is also idle.

"Weird," Xiao Ping hisses. As she knows, Yu Jin usually wakes up when she is arrived, which is around 11 AM. Xiao Ping shrugs. She decides to put away her wonder and starts to clean the apartment.


The night is very old when Yu Jin parks his motorcycle in the basement. With a dull steps Yu Jin climbs up the stair to the elevator. He glances at his watch. 11 PM. Once he pushes the button, the elevator door is opened. He goes in and pushes the number 6 button. While waiting the elevator delivers him the his floor, Yu Jin stares at his helmet. He is sure Xiao Ping has left. He crossed the road in front of his apartment building for three times before he saw his apartment light is finally off. Forgive me, Xiao Ping, Yu Jin whispers inwardly.