Miyu's Secret

Takeshi walks toward someone who sits stunned on the edge of a paved side walk. While patting the person's back, Takeshi says "こんにちは (Konnichiwa - Good Day)," then sits beside her. The person, Miyu Saeki, is surprised to see his presence, but then replies his greet with a thin smile.

"Are you sick ?" Takeshi realizes Miyu's slackness. The woman shakes her head once. Takeshi smiles to cheer her up. "Then why are so slaggy ? Aren't you suppose to be happy ? Yesterday Ryu received Comedian Actor Award, right ? You must be very proud. I saw you last night.. you were so intimate. I was embarrassed to see it my self. Or maybe.. you are sluggish because you were to tired last night ... " Takeshi definitely will not stop chatter if Miyu doesn't stop him with a surprising news, "We broke up."

Takeshi immediately turns to Miyu and hisses in disbelief, "What ?!" Miyu nods to convinces Takeshi. "Actually, It has been quite some times. After the accident at the studio to be exact," Miyu explains.

"But yesterday ..."

Miyu's weak smile cut Takeshi's question. "That was just an acting. Ryu's company asked us to stay intimate in public. They were afraid if we broke up at the moment, then public might think it was because of the fight. That would make a bad reputation for Ryu and his comedy show. So.. i secretly signed a contract. We were pretending to still dating until last night. No one knew. Not even my assistant," Miyu continues her long story. Takeshi is dumbfounded until he forgets to close his mouth. Is it true that a company can interfere with the artist's love affairs ?

"So.. last night's intimacy was.." Takeshi hangs his question in purpose."Fake," Miyu completes it. "Because it was the last night, so I decided to give bonus and give indulgence to the public with our intimacy. Today our breaking up news will be spread. It will definitely be viral," Miyu says ended by a wry smile.

Takeshi looks at her in pity. "Forgive me. I should realize it sooner," he says, regretting his lack of sensitivity. Miyu shakes her head. "I told you, even Ayu didn't know. If you found it out it means my act is terrible," she says then switches her smile into a more sincere one. That even makes Takeshi feels pitier for her.

"It must be hard for you two. I mean, you are still in love to each other," Takeshi says. "I'm the one who is still loving him. For him, we are end long time ago," Miyu corrects him. Takeshi looks at her.

"Ryu also loves you very much. If not, he would've been that jealous. There is no way a love that big can vanish that quick," Takeshi tries to convince Miyu.

"Takeshi, darling.. if he loves me, we are definitely already making up and won't need to pretend like this. He might love me. Once, long time ago.. when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm not even sure that he loved me when we were on date. I just found out once we broke up that his jealousy was actually only because he didn't want to lose his pride. If I was intimate with another man, that means there is a man that better than him. That would insult him. Just because of that, not because he loved me. A week after we broke up, he made love with his new girlfriend on our apartment,"

A tear drops from Miyu's eye corner. She immediately wipes it then holds her cry by grows a wide smile to Takeshi. "So, you are the fifth person who knows about this truth and I hope there are only five persons knows it. Promise me," Miyu asks in firm.