Your Love is Enough For Me

"Dear Shiawase, how's your day? is it fun ? It's started to rain here at Tokyo, but my day will always be bright because your love always shines in my heart. How I wish I can hold your hand and take you around Tokyo so everyone else can also feel your brightness. Worry not of loosing your light, cause I believe there will always be enough love for both of us.

Love you still and always,


Ps: I'm writing a song for you. Hope I can sing it in front of you someday"

Xiao Ping is staring at the laptop in front of her. Actually, she often does it when she gets email from Takeshi. Takeshi's emails are always full of beautiful sentences that thrill her heart. Xiao Ping knows it is impossible for her to brighten up Tokyo, but Takeshi's words make her believe that maybe.. maybe she can lighten up a bit. His words are once again able to bring her fly high without a single wing. Even more Takeshi is making her a song ! She is not even dare to dream about it.

Xiao Ping takes a deep breath dan exhales it loudly. Her hands are on the keyboard. But, even after five minutes has passed there is not a single word on the reply box. Xiao Ping sighs in gloom. She wants to do the same thing to Takeshi. She has always been replied Takeshi's email with her daily stories or asking Takeshi's condition. But this time.. this time, she wants to do something more. She wants to write beautiful poetry sentences to her lover. Sentences that can make Takeshi fly high. But she can't. And as much as she wants to make a song for Takeshi, Xiao Ping knows that it's impossible.

While biting her lips to hold her tears that suddenly come, Xiao Ping's hands hesitantly move

"Dear Takeshi-kun, I'm so flattered and shameful in a same time. I can't write a song, I can't even sing. I can't write a beautiful sentence like yours. I can't do anything to please you. I really want to reply all your kindness. I really want to give you something special, but I don't know what it is.."


Few days later Xiao Ping receives an email from Takeshi. A very short email, but it still can make her staring at the laptop while biting her lips to hold her tears again. The same amount of tears with a completely different reason:

"... you've already given it to me. Your love. And that's more than enough for me ..."


"Hmm. So fresh !" Xiao Ping says after putting an empty glass that once has cold orange juice in it. "Drinking cold orange juice in this hot weather is truly the best," Xu Qian agrees. Her drink is already finished long before.

A bell rings to indicate that time off is end. With a little snuffle, Xiao Ping takes her wallet from her skirt's pocket. "It's on me this time, Xu Qian," she says when her friend also takes her wallet. "Thank you," Xu Qian replies.

When Xiao Ping stands to walk to the cashier, something drops from her pocket and makes jingling sound. "Xiao Ping, you drop your keys," Xu Qian says while taking the keys from the floor. Xiao Ping turns to her. "Oh, right. Fortunately you notice it," Xiao Ping says in relieved then takes the key from Xu Qian after paying their bill.

"Is it key of your house ? You better not keep it in your pocket, it will easily fall and get lost," Xu Qian suggests. "It's key of Yu Jin's apartment. But you're right, I should keep it more carefully," Xiao Ping explains and agrees in once. "Yu Jin ? O.. so your boyfriend's name is Yu Jin," Xu Qian says while nodding. Xiao Ping instantly shakes her head. "No. He is not my boyfriend. He's my best friend," she clarifies. "Not your boy friend ?" Xu Qian asks with a frown forehead. "Yes, he .." Xiao Ping's eyes accidentally catch the silhouette of their history teacher that walks toward their class. "Mrs. Chang is coming. come on!" Xiao Ping pulls Xu Qian hands in hurry.