First Date (A Lin's Level Up !)

"You're pretty already," Xu Qian says while leaning on the door frame, surprising A Lin who is checking on her face on the mirror. When A Lin looks at Xu Qian's shadow from the mirror, her little sister is holding a smile that makes A Lin immediately drops her face because of shy.

Xu Qian steps into A Lin's room then sit cross-legged on the pink sheet bed. "He will only come in an hour and you are ready now. Make sure your powder won't wear off," Xu Qian becomes more excited to tease her shy sister.

"You.." That's all A Lin can say to return her sister's tease. Xu Qian's wide smile greets A Lin's sight that looks on Xu Qian's appearance. Black t-shirt with one of drum brand's name printed on chest, knee-length jeans that who-knows when is the last time being washed, a dingy postman bag, and a sneaker. The sneaker is the only thing that looks good since it was only bought a week a go. "Are you leaving now ?" A Lin asks, answered by a nod.

"We planned to meet in front of the mall at ten," Xu Qian says then chuckles. "So, don't waste this chance. I had put my every effort to persuade Xiao Ping to accompany me window shopping today," she continues. A Lin hesitantly nods. Xu Qian widens her eyes to see that reaction.

"What kind of reaction is that ? You need to be more excited ! 加 油 !! (jia you - Have more spirit !!)" Xiao Ping sighs then start advising her big sister, "You must be more aggressive, search the opportunity to be with him all the time, Give him more affection. Aiyo.. How come I still have to tell you such a thing, yet I haven't ever been dating my self."

A Lin is nodding her head. "Yes, Teacher," she says with a serious face but ends it with amused smiles makes Xu Qian's eyes grows even bigger, "Eiiih..."


"A Lin .."

"Eh ..." A Lin wakes from her reverie. A hot flush comes to her face when she realizes Yu Jin is staring at her. "Your helmet," Yu Jin says handing a metallic blue helmet. "Thanks," A Lin shyly responds while taking and put it on.

"Ride on," Yu Jin asks after he steadily sat on the seat. A Lin obeys. Awkwardly she sits sideway. Because Yu Jin's motorcycle has no rear handle, A Lin holds on to the seat edge. Yu Jin has started the engine and soon after they are down the road.

"Thank you for accompanying me," Yu Jin says with a loud voice and slightly turns his head back. "It.. It's nothing. I have nothing to do today anyway," A Lin replies trying to beat the street crowd and his engine's sound. "I was going to ask Xiao Ping, but turned out she had had appointment with her friend," Yu Jin speaks again. I know, A Lin replies inwardly.

Then there is silence. Yu Jin is concentrating to ride his motorcycle while A Lin is concentrating to make sure her bottom will not sag from the seat. Suddenly her body is thrown to front due to Yu Jin's motorcycle sudden stops. She is nearly fell down if only her foot didn't quickly step on the ground.

"Are you alright ?" Yu Jin asks, immediately turns to her. A Lin shakes her head. Her heart is still beating so fast. "I'm sorry. Suddenly there was a car cut through me," Yu Jin says regretting and also upset.

"It's alright," A Lin replies then gets back to the seat. "You have nothing to hold, don't you ?" Yu Jin asks after he saw A Lin's awkwardness from rearview mirror. "Yes, but that's.."

"Just hold on to me," Yu Jin suggests. "Eh..," A Lin's awkward grows. "It's better than falling, right ?" Yu Jin urges. A Lin answers it with wrapping her arm awkwardly to Yu Jin's waist. She doesn't realize that secretly Yu Jin glances at her hands. His words was actually to suggest a Lin to hold on his jacket. But finally Yu Jin decides to let it be and continues their journey to computer market.


At first, A Lin just walked behind Yu Jin, following the guy that seemed to be so familiar with the condition and layout of the market. The computer market was quite crowded this Sunday noon. She lost count on how many stores they had come and gone. All the stores were full with computes and their supporting tools. Because she barely knew about computer and was afraid to disturb, A Lin didn't say a word while Yu Jin was busy explaining specification of computers that needed, then bargained the price with the stores' salesmen. Sometimes he frowned to disagree, then smiled before went out of the stores.

Two hours later, A Lin's feet begin to feel sore. But Yu Jin seems to have no intention to finish his exploration. While Yu Jin speaks to a store salesman, right behind him A Lin is sitting on a plastic tool, massaging her legs. Unconsciously, her lips complains.

"Tired ?" Yu Jin suddenly asks and turns to her while his lips smile apologetically. "Eh.. N..No," A Lin lies. "This is the last one," Yu Jin promises before turns back to the salesman.

A Lin can only do a small nod. She inwardly regrets her behavior back then. Yu Jin might think she was a spoiled girl. But she really is tired. And bore.

Fortunately, Yu Jin keeps his promise. From that store, they goes to an open-space that is filled with big umbrellas and chairs also tables beneath them. The space is surrounded with food kiosks. While eating his grilled beef rice, Yu Jin pulls out all brochures he collected then asks A Lin's opinion about the models and prices of the computers. A Lin doesn't expect to have that kind of discussion, but she remembers her sister's words. Finally she tries to give her best opinion.