The Kiss

Kimi no te no hira ni… [Into the palm of your hand,]

Hate no nai ai o sasagetai… [I want to present my eternal love]

Xiao Ping claps her hands when Takeshi finishes his song. Takeshi blushes and shyly smiles. He puts the guitar beside him then reaches Xiao Ping's shoulder so she can lean to his chest. "Do you like it ?" Takeshi asks, whispering on Xiao Ping's hair. "I love it," Xiao Ping answers then turns her head to the right, "I love it very much." Takeshi's deep yet gentle stare sedates her.

"I love you very much," Xiao Ping adds and feels her cheeks grows hot suddenly makes her shyly drops her face down. Takeshi touches Xiao Ping's chin with his finger and raises it until their eyes meet each other. "I love you more than very much," Takeshi says then kiss Xiao Ping's forehead. His finger then raises Xiao Ping's chin higher to help his lips touches Xiao Ping's lips gentle.


Now, after Yu Jin calms down again and no longer in her hug, A Lin sits next to him. They both in silent, talking to their own minds, occasionally asking the beer liquid to warm their body. Yu Jin gulps down his third can. "Thank you for accompanying me," Yu Jin mutters. A Lin grows a crooked smile and says, "Don't mention it."

Yu jin sighs then rumples his empty beer can on his hand. "Please give me another one," Yu Jin asks. Instead picks it up for him, A Lin moves the last can at her right further. "You've drunk too much," A Lin rejects Yu Jin's request, forgetting that her own hand is holding her second can.

Yu Jin frowns, feeling annoyed to have his request rejected. He then decides to get it himself, reaches his left hand far across A Lin's skinny body. But the hand can not find the beer can, instead he can not find anything so Yu Jin's body that doesn't have a proper support loses its balance and almost falling over A Lin's body if she doesn't withstand with her hand. Their eyes meet. A Lin shifts her hand position so it no longer blocks Yu Jin's body but instead embrace him while their lips meet.


Takeshi's kiss is very warm. Warm and gentle. This kiss is far better than his kiss on Xiao Ping's dream. When Xiao Ping opens her eyes, Takeshi has stared at her and smiled gentle.

"Is it your first kiss ?" Takeshi asks. Xiao Ping reluctantly shakes her head. It is definitely not. Like it or not, A Dao kissed her once. Takeshi's face becomes a little disappointed. "Who's that lucky guy ?" he asks. Xiao Ping doesn't answer him immediately. She doesn't want to remember her bad experience with A Dao, and she definitely doesn't want to talk about it. She then remembers about her thought right before Takeshi's question. "You," she answers.

Takeshi is in surprise. "Me ?" Xiao Ping nods. "In my dream, remember ? I told you that I dreamt about you kiss me," Xiao Ping explains. Takeshi laughs loudly while hugging Xiao Ping tight.


Once realized what they were doing, Yu Jin immediately breaks the kiss. With a little short of breath, he pulls himself and throws his back agains balcony railing. "For.. forgive me," he asks regretful. A Lin wipes her lips that is red and a little swollen. "Don't be sorry," A Lin weakly says.

Yu Jin stands. "You.. you better go home. It's late already," he says while stepping inside his apartment through the window frame. A Lin halts his step by grabbing his hand. "I said, you don't need to be sorry," A Lin repeats. Yu Jin frees the grip and continues his steps. A Lin stands and turns around, resting her body on the window frame.

"Do you think I don't have a heart, Yu Jin ? Do you think I am gladly heard you babbling about Xiao Ping ?" A Lin asks. Seeing Yu Jin is stunned, A Lin approaches him until right in front of him. "Love me, Yu Jin," A Lin hisses in pity then tries to kiss Yu Jin.

Yu Jin closes his eyes when A Lin's lips touch his lips. Then Yu Jin takes a step back. A disappointed stare is shown on A Lin's eyes. "I'm sorry," Yu Jin says then walks out from his room.

"Why can't you love me, Yu Jin ? Why ?" A Lin asks, sits down and sobbing.

Yu Jin returns to his bedroom with A Lin's helmet and bag on his hand. "Please go home, A Lin. Let's consider tonight is never happened," he requests. "Why, Yu Jin ? she doesn't love you. I'm the one who in love with you!" A Lin says in almost scream.

Yu Jin sighs, realizing that this is not A Lin's clear thought that speaking. "I'm so sorry. You are drunk because of me," Yu Jin regretfully says. He puts A Lin's helmet and bag on the floor. A Lin turns to him with puffy eyes. "I'm not drunk," she denies. "Just sleep here tonight," Yu Jin helps her stand.

"I'm not drunk," Once again A Lin denies, but she doesn't decline when Yu Jin helps her lies down on his bed and covers her with blanket. "Xiao Ping doesn't love you, Yu Jin. She never has. I love you," A Lin's lips is still mumbling while her eyes is closed. Yu Jin turns off the light and closes the door on his way out.


Even after ten minutes Takeshi is still staring at Xiao Ping who has slept with a smiling face. Takeshi's watch makes a sound shortly. Without the need to see it Takeshi already knows by heart what it means. 00:00 PM. Takeshi sighs. Why does time fly so fast ? In the next six hours he has to go.

He confirms the blanket that covers Xiao Ping's body, to make sure she doesn't hit by the night cold. Then he lies sideway comfortably beside Xiao Ping, supporting his head with one hand while his other hand strokes Xiao Ping's hair gentle. His sleepiness is ignored. He wants to stare at his lover as long as possible, absorbing all her beauty so he can carry it to Japan to accompany him when they are not together.


Yu Jin sits on the living room floor, leaning on the white sofa, one that loved by Xiao Ping. He stares at the sofa behind him. Xiao Ping often fell asleep on the couch when she watched television. She always sleep on her right side body, using arm rest as pad and covers her chest with a small sofa cushion.

Yu Jin's sight moves to pieces of paper on his hand. Those pieces of paper was almost went to the garbage can. Yu Jin has a long sigh as a sign that he has made a big decision. He then puts the papers on the table. Slowly, he stands from his sit then lies down on the sofa, mimicking exactly Xiao Ping's position. After putting a cushion in front of his chest, he closes his eyes. Good night, Xiao Ping. I believe you are happy now.