Clueless Xiao Ping

"Xu Qian, Morning!" Xiao Ping greets joyfully then sits to her own chair. "Morning," Xu Qian replies without losing her sight from the book she reads. "Xu Qian, thank you for yesterday," Xiao Ping says again while touching her bench mate's lower arm. "No problem," Xu Gian replies.

"But.. I'm curious. How did you know ?" Xiao Ping asks to reveal her curiosity that she has kept since yesterday. Still busy with her book, Xu Qian only shrugs and answers carelessly, "My sister told me to."

Xiao Ping's forehead is knitted deeper. "Your sister ?" Finally Xu Qian lets her attention off from her book and turns her body facing Xiao Ping. "Yes. My sister. A Lin. You know her, right ? She told me," Xu Qian explains with a rounding eyes.

"Gosh.. You are A Lin's sister ? Wow.. I really didn't expect ! Why didn't you tell me earlier ?" Xiao Ping asks enthusiastically. For the second times, Xiao Ping shrugs. "I also just knew you both know each other," Xu Qian lies then returns to her reading. Xiao Ping is nodding but then frowns again. "Wait a minute. But how can A Lin knew that I will.."

"Yu Jin asked her," Xu Qian cuts before Xiao Ping finished her question. "Yu Jin ?" Xu Qian nods then explains reluctantly, even doesn't want to turn to Xiao Ping, "At first Yu Jin asked my sister to called your father. But she was so nervous and shy. Thus because it was you, I finally helped. I waited for Yu Jin's text then called your house." Xiao Ping is amazed. "Wow, I didn't expect it would be that complicated," Xiao Ping says in mix of awe and feels bad.

"Of course you din't know. You really are clueless," Xu Qian mumbles to her self, but it is heard faintly by Xiao Ping's ears. "What did you just say ?" Xiao Ping asks for clarification. Xu Qian glances at her and shakes her head. "Nothing," she denies.


Yu Jin stands in front of a man that sits, separated by a table with a computer and piles of documents on top. Patiently Yu Jin waits for the man to finish checking up a document in his hand.

"Everything is complete," the man says after closing folder of the document he had, then looks at Yu Jin. "Fortunately, you made it on time," he continues with a wise smile. "Right. Lucky me," Yu Jin says.

"Alright. Prepare your self, young man. You will know the result in few days," The man then says. "Yes, Sir," Yu Jin undertakes.


"Uncle," Yu Jin calls Mr. Bai that is about to go to his office then approaches him. On his way to his uncle, Yu Jin makes time to gives A Lin a thin smile to greets her. The smile makes A Lin's head drops down. Yu Jin's steps are followed by a young man.

"Uncle, this is Han Han, my junior," Yu Jin introduces the young man behind him to Mr. Bai. The young man handing his hand to Mr. Bai. "Good afternoon, Sir. My last name is Jiang, Jiang Wu Han," Han Han introduces him self. Mr. Bai shakes his hand. "Yu Jin said you are good at assembling and fixing computers," Mr. Bai says. "That's because Yu Jin-ge has been kind enough to teach me," Han Han replies in humble while tapping Yu Jin's shoulder.

Yu Jin widely smiles. "That's true," he says jokingly while naughtily winks at his junior. His face turns to serious again and asks his uncle, "So ?" Mr. Bai raises his eyebrows and inhales a long breath. "Let's talk about the employment agreement," the man says then reaches Han Han's shoulder to guide him goes into Mr. Bai's office.

Once they both have gone to the office, Yu Jin turns his body around and glances at the clock on top of the cashier desk. A few minutes pass two. Xiao Ping must be bicycling her way here now, he thinks. When he lowers his sight from the clock, he is attacked by sadness of A Lin's eyes that might have watched him for a moment. Yu Jin tries to repel it with a thin smile, but he is fail. The sadness sight even turns to disappointment. At last Yu Jin decides to ignore it and plans to visit Tian Tian in the kitchen.

"Yu Jin," A Lin calls, halting his intention. To see the gloom on A Lin's face, Yu Jin approaches her. "Where.. Where are you going ?" A Lin asks after he stands right in front of her. "Kitchen," Yu Jin answers, "I'm thirsty..."

"That's not what I meant," A Lin cuts then sighs to gather her braveness to stare at Yu Jin. "You want to avoid her, don't you ?" she asks. "What do you mean ?" Yu Jin pretends to not understand.

"You join conscription, right ? You want to avoid ..."

"I'm not avoiding her," Yu Jin hisses to cut with a mind-your-own-business tone. A Lin nods to understand, but doesn't obey. "But you can not handle the pain when you near her," A Lin urges. Yu Jin grins. "Not really," he denies. "So.. ?" Yu Jin sighs. "My duty is finish. I united her with her boyfriend. Now I need to do my other duty," he says diplomatically. A Lin squints. "Liar," she mumbles to curse.

"Whatever you say, but it's the truth," Yu Jin firms looking outside through the cafe door, watching Xiao Ping who just came down from her bike. A Lin follows his sight. A crooked smile grows on her face. "So, what did she say ?" she asks.

"She doesn't know," Yu Jin answers then turns to A Lin. "She may not know about it," he presses and adds 'don't you dare to tell her' through his sharp sight to A Lin's eyes. "Why ? Isn't she the one who causes all your ..."

"Pssstt...," Yu Jin hisses, not willing to continue their conversation. As his sight travels to the cafe door, Yu Jin's expression becomes softer. Right when Xiao Ping opens the door, his sweet smile greets her. "Afternoon, Xiao Ping."

"Afternoon," Xiao Ping replies with the same wide smile. "Afternoon, A Lin," Xiao Ping greets A Lin who replies with a crooked smile. "Oh, right. Thank you for all your help yesterday. I really had bothered you guys," Xiao Ping says while winces and scratches her head.

"No bother at all," Yu Jin says gentle. "No.. No.. It was really bothering you all," Xiao Ping firms then turns to Yu Jin, "especially you. How could you know that I would have a problem with my father ?"

Yu Jin's eyes widen. "Oh, that.." He then shudders and dramatically puts a scary face. "You father was really scary. I thought he would definitely kill me if yesterday's night you were really at my place," Yu Jin starts his story. "In the middle of the night your father knocked on my apartment door then checked every corner of my apartment to find you."

A Lin widens her eyes before drops her head deeply down. It means Xiao Ping's father must know that she slept at Yu Jin's room that night. She didn't realize the man's presence. She was too drunk to realize anything that night. Oh, what did Xiao Ping's father think of me now ? Did Xiao Ping also know ? There goes my pride! With a sudden move, A Lin stands and pushes her chair behind to make both friends of her turns their heads to her. "Hnng.. I'm leaving," she says goodbye nervously.

"Okay. Take care," Xiao Ping says with a smile. Yu Jin just nods. They watches A Lin's departure. "Then ?" Xiao Ping asks Yu Jin to continue his story after A Lin left.

"Well, I thought.. you would definitely be in trouble if you could not give a right reason. And you were not good at lying. An saying 'I'm dating Takeshi all night long' wasn't a proper reason," Yu Jin continues with a bit joke.

Xiao Ping grins again. "Yeah, you're right. My father must think I was crazy," she says, slowly giggles just for a short time before turns it into sighs. "Though it is the truth," Xiao Ping continues, convincing Yu Jin with her sight. Yu Jin thinly smiles. "I know. i saw you," he says to make Xiao Ping's eyes widens.

"At the rooftop ?" she asks. Yu Jin nods. Xiao Ping closes her open mouth. A blush grows on her cheeks. Her eyes shines bright immediately. She can only hug Yu Jin's waist to reveal her feeling. "Thank you, Yu Jin," she whispers while tightens her hug. "Thank you for always by my side. Thank you for always be there for me," she says.

Yu Jin hugs her back and deeply inhales the strawberry scent of her hair. Sadly, the happiness he feels when Xiao Ping in his arms is now not as pure as usual. It is stained by a gloom. Yu Jin tries to vanish the stain. He wants to enjoy the happiness as long as possible. Once again he fills his lung with Xiao Ping's hair scent and saves it in his mind.

When he feels Xiao Ping's hug loses, reluctantly Yu Jin releases his hug. Xiao Ping doesn't realize his reluctancy, steps back and sits behind the cashier table. Yu Jin moves to her right and supporting his head with his left hand on the cashier table.

"So... don't you want to tell me about your date ?" Yu Jin asks. Xiao Ping turns to him and widely smile. The happiness sight is back again, even brighter, accompanying her joyful chatter. Yu Jin diligently listens to her. He smiles some times though he feels pain inward. He doesn't want to deceive him self. His heart is hurt to know intimacies did by Xiao Ping and Takeshi. But he forces him self to keep on listening. There is no special reason. He just wants to see the happiness on Xiao Ping's eyes shine longer.