Don't Be Selfish!

"Soldiers, Line-up!" A green uniform man commands. His voice is so powerful and authoritative to be heard by dozens of young men at front of the military office without any help of sound system. It doesn't need a long time for all the young men obey his order and make six lines. After hearing a short briefing from that man, they make a long line starts from in front of a military bus door. One by one, they are being reregistered and their belongings being checked before boarding in to the bus. Yu Jin is at almost end of the line, only ten men behind him. His sight is focused to the front, he doesn't want to look back al though he knows his uncle and A Lin still stand at the same place.

"Yu Jin !" that squeaky call definitely turns Yu Jin's and other young men's heads. Unlike the other men that return their head's positions as fast as the were turned, Yu Jin freezes. Not only his head, but his whole body. Maybe even his heart. Al though merely a second, it is enough to place Xiao Ping next to him. When he finally can control his body, Yu Jin stares at Xiao Ping that is still panting short of breath.

"Eventually, you know it, too," Yu Jin says, trying to make it sounded like a joke. "Whhy.. yhouh.. dhidn't.. theell.. mheeh ?" Xiao Ping asks still catching her breath. Yu Jin wryly smiles. "Well, you know it anyway," he says, doesn't answers the question at all.

Xiao Ping squints, doesn't like what she heard. "Why did you suddenly decide to join ?" Xiao Ping asks again with a normal voice. Yu Jin moves a step forward before gives his gentle smile to Xiao Ping. "I can't postpone it forever. Sooner or later I have to join it," Yu Jin answers. "But why is it so sudden ?" Xiao Ping pursues. She still is not satisfied. More unsatisfied when Yu Jin only gives a smile as an answer. The young man's foot steps forward again. Xiao Ping follows the step, doesn't want to be left behind. Her stare also continues toward Yu Jin.

"Don't go," Xiao Ping asks, turning the head and body of Yu Jin facing her and purposely lets the young man sees her tears on her cheeks. Yu Jin looks up with a closing eyes. This is what he has been afraid of, what he avoided.

"Don't go,"Xiao Ping asks again, this time with a trembling voice to hold her sob. Yu Jin shakes his head then drops it low, avoiding Xiao Ping's stare. "I can't" that is all Yu Jin can say as a rejection. He lets a guy behind him precedes.

"Then.. then what should I do ? How about the promise to accompany me forever ?" Xiao Ping pitifully begs. "It's only for 22 months, Xiao Ping," Yu Jin says, finally braves himself to give her a it-won't-be-long look.

"You.. you said you will catch me and carry me. Now you leave me. Why do you break your promise ?" Xiao Ping scatters.

Yu Jin deeply sighs. "I break nothing," Yu Jin says. His body a little bit wobbly due to a guy accidentally pushed him when he preceded him. "But I don't have to do it, right ? You are not falling, so I don't need to catch you even less carry you. You.. you have him," Yu Jin stops for a moment to know that his heart will be in pain when he says the next sentence, "You don't need me."

Series of Xiao Ping's head shakes follow objection that comes out of her mouth, "No. No. I will need you forever. You are my best friend."

Only a bitter smile is produced by Yu Jin's lips. His feet move a few steps to shorten his distance from the line. Xiao Ping follows him. "You are going to be fine," Yu Jin tells her with a voice more convincing than his previous smile.

"No. No way ..," Xiao Ping shakes her head multiple times to reject.

"Xiao Ping, you will be happy with him."

The head shakes becomes faster, "But I don't want you to leave!" Her head shake goes faster.

"Xiao Ping.."

And faster. "Don't go!" Xiao Ping exclaims.

"Xiao Ping, don't be selfish !" Yu Jin snaps, suddenly stops the head shake and straightens it until they look at each other. "Don't be selfish," Yu Jin asks with much more soften and plead voice, "This is important for me. Please, don't prevent me."

"1104039," the man with uniform calls loudly. Yu Jin turns his head around. It's his turn to reregister. Yu Jin approaches the man. This time Xiao Ping doesn't follow. Yu Jin is handing his form and opens his bag pack to be checked.

When he is about to get on the bus, his body is held by a pull on his shirt. Yu Jin turns his body and gently smile to, as expected, Xiao Ping. "I'm leaving, okay," Yu Jin says good bye. Xiao Ping is shaking her head as strong as her hold to Yu Jin's shirt.

"1104039," the man addresses him again. "Don't forget to visit me," Yu Jin requests as letting go Xiao Ping's grab from his shirt then holds it for a moment

Xiao Ping stares at Yu Jin's hand that is on top of hers. Then she shakes her head again, letting her hand of Yu Jin's grip, and turning her body around giving her back to Yu Jin.

"1104039," for the couple time the man addresses to Yu Jin. Yu Jin stares at Xiao Ping's back for a whole minute, then steps on the bus with a broken heart.