Help from Best Friend

The ring of the apartment's bell makes the owner awakes. The spiky-haired young man walks unsteady toward the apartment door while mumbling, "Coming.." then turns on the light of the corridor when he passes the switch. When he arrives in front of the door, he peeks through the hole to see who is the impolite guest that comes at 3 in the morning. His sleepy expression changes into surprised to know who's behind the door. In hurry he unlocks the key and opens the door.

"Yu Jin ?!" he asks in disbelief yet joy. "你 好 (Ni hao- Hello), Li Wei !" Yu Jin greets him and paints a joyful smile on his tired face. Li Wei immediately hugs his best friend who hadn't been seen in more than 5 years. "你 好 嗎 ? (ni hao ma ? - how are you ?)" they both ask almost in synchronous, then laugh.

"请进, 请进 (qing jin, qing jin - please come, please come," Li Wei invites Yu Jin to come in after releasing their hug. "You don't bring much ?" Li Wei speaks up his curiosity to realize Yu Jin only brings his bag pack. Yu Jin shakes his head to confirm. "i'm.. a little bit in a hurry." Li Wei is nodding without a sound. "Ah.. let's come in," he says again while stepping inside his apartment. "Actually, I need your help," Yu Jin adds, followed by Li We's turning head.


"Uh-hu.. 明白 了 (ming bai le - understood)," Li Wei says while nodding to respond to Yu Jin's story. "But.. I don't know him, also I don't know which floor he lives," Li Wei says again while purses his lips. "I see..," Yu Jin responds listlessly. The clink of the cup against the base replaces their conversation. Li Wei glances at his friend, he feels guilty to see the somber face. Yu Jin stares blankly at the half-cup of coffee in front of him.

"But.. I have an idea!" Li Wei exclaims a few minutes after, immediately turns Yu Jin's head to him. "Do you know his last name ?" he asks. Yu Jin frowns, trying to remember. "Ha..yashi.. ? Right, Hayashi !!" he answers. "太好了 ! (Tai hao le ! - Great!)"


Yu Jin deeply stares at the mailbox in front of him, turns to Li Wei who smiles widely, then back to the mailbox that has four-digit numbers, and one more time to Li Wei, this time with the similar smile on his face. "Genius バカ ! (Genius Baka - Genius fool)" Yu Jin flatters his best friend with calling his nickname, while his hand dishevels Li Wei's spiky hair. "Hey.. hey.. what are you doing ?!" Li Wei dodges to protect his hair. Yu Jin stops his attack, changes it into petting Li Wei's shoulder. "Let's go," Yu Jin suggests while raising his eyebrows twice.

"Are you crazy ?!" Li Wei says while halting Yu Jin's arm that is about to push the bell beside the door with 0214 on it. Yu Jin turns to him with questioning look. "Haiizz.. It's 4 in the morning. He must still be sleeping," Li Wei explains. Yu Jin stands still looking at his friend. A part of his heart understand Li Wei's reluctance to disturb his neighbor early in the morning like this. But on the other side, he needs to meet Hayashi as soon as he can. "We wait for a moment, okay," Li Wei suggest. Yu Jin nods reluctantly. as heavy as his movement to turn away from the grey painted wall.

Suddenly the door is opened, showing Hiroshi Hayashi with disheveled look and pajamas on. It seems that he was awoke to go to the bathroom, but then he heard whispering voice from behind his door. To hear the sound of the opening door, Yu Jin automatically turns his head to the door. "Hayashi-san," he calls with a relieved expression on his face. "You.." Hiroshi squints his eyes. trying to remember where did he met Yu Jin before. "I'm Yu Jin," Yu Jin introduces himself in Japanese while bowing his body to Hiroshi. "Aa.. Taiwanese guy, friend of Shiawase," Hiroshi finally remembers him, then bows back.

"What does bring you here ?" Hiroshi asks in wonder. "It's like this ..." Without spending more time, Yu Jin tells him about Xiao Ping's condition. While listening, Hiroshi occasionally nods or frowns. "わかった (wakatta - I understand)," Hiroshi mumbles after Yu Jin finishes his story.

"But.. hmm.. it's not that I don't want to help," Hiroshi then says while putting his sympathetic face, "But Takeshi is not at Japan now. He is at America for work." Yu Jin glances at him. "Is that so ?" he asks to confirm. "It is," Hiroshi firmly nods. "He will be home about a week from now," Hiroshi adds while step back to his apartment, "Sorry."

Yu Jin tries to urge but Li Wei's elbow punches his waist, making him stunned. "That's okay. We're sorry to bother you," Li Wei says then deeply bow. "It's okay," Hiroshi replies. He then says goodbye and closes the door. Yu Jin and Li Wei look at each other without a sound.


"Hope that Hayashi-san has no intention to be come an actor," Li Wei says while grinning, "His act was so poor." Yu Jin turns to him and nods. At once they both became suspicious that Hiroshi was lying when they heard a pause that a little bit too long before the word "America". The chubby guy's brain must be still confused to decide which country to choose. It was obvious that Hiroshi didn't want Yu Jin to meet Takeshi. That is why Li Wei and he are on the road across Li Wei's apartment building, sitting on Li Wei's motorcycle. They are planing to meet Takeshi with tailing his assistant.

To see Li Wei yawns, Yu Jin glances at his watch. They've been waiting for two hours. His eyes are also sore. "Are you sure that this is the only way out ?" Yu Jin asks. "I'm sure. I've lived here for four years already," Li Wei answers a bit emotional. "Okay.. okay.. forgive me. don't be mad," Yu Jin apologizes. He then gropes his jacket pocket to take a box of cigarettes out. After taking one, he hands it to Li Wei that also has one. Soon they both in silent to enjoy the smoke that burning their lungs for already the fourth times.

"You really love her, don't you ?" Li Wei asks after thirty minutes has passed. Yu Jin sighs. "爱的太多 (ai de tai duo - too much love)," his answer is full with bitterness. A white SUV stops in front of the main gate of the apartment. "So.. what is your.." Li Wei leaves his question unfinished to see Hiroshi comes out from the building and enters the white SUV.

"It's him.. it's him!," Li Wei enthusiastically says. He quickly starts his motorcycle's engine while Yu Jin directly puts his helmet and sits behind Li Wei.


"Looks like someone's tailing on us, Hayashi-san," the white SUV's driver reports while looking at Hiroshi from the rearview mirror. Hiroshi turns around, "Hhh.. those two guys," he sighs, "I should have guessed they will do this. What a troublesome."

Hiroshi takes his cellular then continues his words, "I will ask other to pick up Hasegawa. Meanwhile, we can play around with them. What do you think ? The driver nods to agree.