I Definitely Can Replace You

Two young men in different nationalities are now on the 15th floor balcony. The harsh wind blow dishevels their hair, but of course no one cares.

"So ?" Takeshi asks after they stand face to face less than a meter away.

"There are two things I want to give you" Yu Jin says. Takeshi stands still, giving Yu Jin a chance to continue on. Yu Jin does continue, not with words but with a punch that is hit right on Takeshi's left jaw. Takeshi jolts to the right and falls on the ground.

"That's the first thing," Yu Jin says with rushed breath. All of muscles and nerves in his body are fully awaken, ready to receive the counter attack.

But Takeshi only glances at him with squinted eyes. The Japanese guy doesn't even stand up. "How is she ?" he asks weakly. "You better see her yourself," Yu Jin answers while taking an envelope from his bag. He throws the envelope to Takeshi.

"Xiao Ping is very hurt because of you. Now it is up to you, who will be on her side to cure her wound. You.. or me." Yu Jin turns around and walks away from Takeshi who is still sitting on the cement floor.

Just few steps from the door, Yu Jin turns his body and says, "If you don't want to be in her heart again, I will take your position. Don't worry. I definitely can replace you." Then Yu Jin leaves Takeshi alone.

Takeshi still stares at the door that has swallowed Yu Jin. His hand holds tightly to the envelope from Yu Jin. He doesn't need to open it to know it is a flight ticket. His head is aching, and so is his jaw. There is sharp pain on the corner of his lips. With his tongue he can feel the blood rancid there. But all of them is nothing compare to the pain his heart.

Xiao Ping is very hurt because of him. Yu Jin didn't tell any more detail. But he is sure it is serious. What have I done ? Takeshi groans inwardly. His headache is getting worse. Many things across his mind. Xiao Ping's sad face. Contract cancellation penalty for 100 millions yen. His love to the Taiwanese girl. His mother's face, the main reason he accepted the contract in the first place. The hard punch from Yu Jin that told him how much that guy loves Xiao Ping. A ruined future. Yu Jin's voice, " I definitely can replace you." His homeless mother. His happiness with Xiao Ping. Jail.


Yu Jin stares straight toward, right at the airplane entry doorway. His heart is rumbling to watch the passengers one by one shows up from the door. One he expects has not come yet. Even when the frequency of the coming passengers is decreasing.

Not coming, he concludes inwardly. There is a weird feeling grows in his heart. A mix between upset and happiness. From front, two stewardesses walk in the plane's narrow aisle. The first one carrying a counter tool. the second is checking passenger's safety belt.

That's it, he decides, still inwardly. I won't leave her alone anymore. Yu Jin's brain is full with plans. He will go out of the conscription, no matter how. He will tell his feeling to Xiao Ping. Yu Jin regrets had decided to give in to Takeshi. Now Xiao Ping is hurt yet Takeshi is backing off.

The two stewardesses passes Yu Jin. This time he will be by Xiao Ping's side to help her forget her bast*rd boyfriend. Yu Jin will fill her heart with love, makinv her the happiest girl in the world. The picture of his togetherness with Xiao Ping gives Yu Jin warm feeling and makes him rises a smile on his crumble face. I should have done it long ago, he thinks with a little regret.

A small commotion on front disturbs him. With other passengers who sit near the aisle. Yu Jin tilts his head, curious with what happened. Nothing is special. Someone who barely made it onboard walks in hurry, thus his backpack hits a passenger's head. It's just, the person is Takeshi Hasegawa.


The car's side window presents a view of Taipei at night. Street lights also buildings with various shapes come and go. Takeshi moves his sight from the view to glances at Yu Jin. that sits next to him without a single voice. Once they arrived at the airport, Yu Jin took him to ride a taxi.

"We're going to where Xiao Ping is now," Yu Jin said in Japanese. And that is the only thing he has said since. Takeshi doesn't want to ask for any detail. His head is already too occupied.

He is wrong. He has to ask for apology. That's for sure. But, to be honest, he is worry on Xiao Ping's reaction. Even more, he is afraid that Xiao Ping has closed her heart for him.

"われわれ が きて いる (Wareware ga kite iru - We arrive)," Yu Jin's voice disrupts his thought. Seeing the big kanji letters on top of the building where their taxi is approaching, all of Takeshi's fear is gone with the wind. "病院 (Byōin - Hospital)," Takeshi whispers to himself in horrified.