White Lies [2]

"Xiao Ping !" Xu Qian who just came out of bicycle's park shouts in surprised to see what just happened. She immediately runs toward Xiao Ping to help her up. "Are you okay ?" Xu Qian asks in worry. Xiao Ping just nods, wiping her wet hair and face. "Who did this ?! Who dare did this ?! Come out you, Coward !!" Xu Qian shouts in anger, circling her anger gaze around hoping to find the one who did this.

"Let it be, Xu Qian," Xiao Ping asks her friend for not making it any further problem. "They went too far. "It's okay. They will end it eventually," Xiao Ping says while patting Xu Qian's shoulder. Xu Qian sighs. "You are too nice," she says in amazed and helpless.

"It's nothing," Xiao Ping murmurs, trying hard to hide her tears. She must be strong. This is the way she has decided to go through. She must not regret anything and accepts all the risks.


"You said your site had not been launched, but it actually has," Xiao Ping writes with a frowned eyebrows. She just found out about it and now being upset because Takeshi lied to her again. "I'm sorry," Takeshi replies, "I didn't want you to read my friends' messages. They were too harsh, I'm afraid they might hurt you."

"Are you mad at me ?" Takeshi asks after waiting for Xiao Ping's response for a while. Xiao Ping sighs. She knows Takeshi did it only to protect her. She has read the messages he talked about. The messages really were hurting her, that is probably why her anger was easily triggered. "No," she answers. "I wasn't totally being honest with you, too," she admits, brushing her hand to her bruised knee. "About what ?" Takeshi asks again. "Well.. it is not as calm as I told you before.." With that opening sentence, Xiao Ping tells Takeshi everything that has happened to her lately. Takeshi's heart rapidly sinks to know how awful they were to Xiao Ping.

"I'm so sorry," Takeshi types with a red eyes, trying to suppress his emotion. "Don't be. It's not your fault. I believe it will be ended sooner or later. I just thought that we should be strength for each other instead hiding them from one to another," Xiao Ping writes. Takeshi gazes at his laptop's screen in amazement. His woman is stronger than he thought. She is definitely a fighter. With that thought, his emotion is changed from sadness to admiration.

"You're right. We must face everything ahead together. No more lie, not even a white lie," Takeshi writes in affirmation. Xiao Ping chuckles. "Is that a promise ?" she asks with a wink emoji at the end. "Do you accept another promise now ?" Takeshi returns a question instead. "Only ones that you won't break," Xiao Ping answers, once again ends it with a wink emoji, making Takeshi's body shivers to hold his excitement. He doesn't know why, but Xiao Ping's words lately often making him exciting.

"You don't know how much I want to kiss you right now," Takeshi can only utters his desire in words. Xiao Ping giggles while a heat rushes her body. "Kiss me then.." she teases him. Takeshi groans to release his unleashed desire. He then gives her multi kiss emojis. "You gives me a light headache," he types honesty. "Why ?" Xiao Ping asks naively. Takeshi is dumbfounded for a second then shakes his head, dispelling his thought. "Nothing," he then says, shy on his own last thought. Xiao Ping replies with kiss emoji.

"What is your plan for tomorrow ?" Xiao Ping asks. Tomorrow is Saturday. Takeshi has nothing to do. He has finished his last work on the on going contract while there is no new contract yet. "I'm planning to online date you for the whole day actually. Do you mind ?" Takeshi answers and asks in once. "Hmm.. actually.. I won't be able to online tomorrow. I'm going to visit Yu Jin," Xiao Ping explains. "Oh.. that's okay," Takeshi states, swallows a little disappointment that suddenly occurred. "Please be careful," he adds. "Sure. I will go with Han Han, A Lin, and Mr. Bai. They will protect me," Xiao Ping convinces him not to worry. "Try not to miss me that much, okay ?" Xiao Ping teases him again.


With that request, of course Takeshi is spending the Saturday by missing Xiao Ping even more. He had always thought that Xiao Ping was naive, soft, and weak.. almost fragile perhaps. So he treated her as delicate as possible, trying to protect her kind of like a brother to his little sister. But now.. ever since the incident, he saw the different side of his girlfriend. Turns out Xiao Ping is also headstrong. Despite her soft and weak appearance, she is tough and assertive. He also noticed that the incident brought more confidence and mature out of Xiao Ping. She is also more demanding though never compel. These are making him crazily in love to the next level to her.

Takeshi grabs his old guitar and starts to play some keys and humming new melodies. He decides to channel his love and desire to Xiao Ping into a song. It only takes him an hour to finish his new song's melody. He wrote it down on his little notebook. Hopefully it can make it to his second album song list.

Remembering where Xiao Ping is right now making Takeshi a little jealous. He wishes Xiao Ping is on his side now, not on Yu Jin, his rival. He knows he shouldn't be jealous with that guy. It is obvious that Xiao Ping doesn't love Yu Jin as a man. But he still considers Yu Jin as rival, to keep him always aware that there is a guy who also loves his woman, to remind him that he is not the only guy who can give Xiao Ping love and happiness. Takeshi sighs in envy. Yu Jin must be very happy now..


And Yu Jin indeed is very happy to be visited by Xiao Ping. "Are you okay ?" That was what he asked the first thing to Xiao Ping. "Of course," Xiao Ping answers. "Did he hurt you again ? Made you sad or .." Yu Jin's question is cut by Xiao Pin's half pouting, "He is nooot." Yu Jin smiles wide and pulls her to his embrace. "That's great," he whispers through her hair, jaw resting on her head. But then he remembers something that makes him parting his embrace to her.

"So you decided to walk on the spotlight," Yu Jin talks about she admitted to be Takeshi's girlfriend. Xiao Ping nods. Yu Jin sighs. "I can handle it," Xiao Ping says to ease his mind. "We all there for her, Bro," Han Han adds her affirmation. "Yeah.. Han Han has given me ride home for almost a week now. Xu Qian also protects me at school. Don't worry about me," Xiao Ping explains while petting Yu Jin's chest for couple of times saying her last sentence. She then sits on the chair. Knowing he is the only one who is standing, Yu Jin also takes a seat.

"So have you known where you will be put at ?" Mr. Bai asks Yu Jin. The latter nods. "At the ROCA's headquarter, on its IT division" he answers. "Not bad. At least you are not on the field," Mr. Bai responds. "Yeah.. thanks to my programming and foreign language skills," Yu Jin says. He turns to Xiao Ping and smiles, "It is also only 59 kilometers from Taipei, so it is convenient for me to come home often." Xiao Ping widely grins, "That's fantastic!"