Unintended Aftermath

The next morning when Xiao Ping goes down to have breakfast, she finds a dark dagger gaze from her father. The gaze is so sharp that freezes her movement. Only after a while Xiao Ping is able to move, but this time really slow and full of fear. With a heart beats like crazy, she sits at a chair, farthest from her father. But of course it doesn't help her a bit since the family's dining table is so small.

Mr. Yuan roughly gives the news paper on his hand to Xiao Ping, almost throwing it at her. She has already could guess what is he wants her to see the moment she found her father's gaze. Yes, of course the kissing scandal. A two columns article complete with two photos, one she kissed Yu Jin, the other when he kissed her and a provocative title "Reprisal of Hasegawa Takeshi's Sacrifice ?"

"I'm not having an affair, Dad," Xiao Ping says after sighing. "Do you think I care more about your relationship ?!" Mr. Yuan roars, makes Xiao Lan jumps in surprised. Xiao Ping drops her head in fear. "In public you dare to kiss him ? I can't imagine what you were capable doing in a private place !"

"We did nothing, Dad!" Xiao Ping denies his thought. "It was a friendly kiss, no lust involve. It was not even a second. I only congratulated him a Happy New Year. Yu Jin replied the kiss when we saw sunrise. It was also last not more than a second," she explains. "A friendly kiss you said ?" her father asks, emphasizing on the word friend. "Yes, Dad. I often kiss Xiao Lan on the cheeks also," Xiao Ping urges.

"Xiao Lan is your brother," Mr. Yuan argues. "So is Yu Jin. I consider him as my big brother, and he thinks me as his little sister," Xiao Ping utters. Mr. Yuan laughs a sarcastic laughter. "Are you trying to fool me ? He is definitely in love with you," Mr. Yuan disputes. "No, Dad.. he loves me as sister," Xiao Ping insists. "Whatever! Still, I can't accept this kind of behavior, either with Yu Jin, Takeshi, or any other male friends of yours. You must behave your self, young lady!" Xiao Ping immediately nods then once again drops her head while listening to Mr. Yuan's lecturing. "Do you listen to me ?!" Mr. Yuan asks. "Yes, Dad," Xiao Ping meekly answers with a sullen face.


Xiao Ping is walking toward the cafeteria's door when someone seems like purposely sticks out their leg to block her. She definitely falls down and stumbles hard on the floor. Bearing the pain, she turns her head around, almost certain to find a familiar face who did this so many times to her. Er Hua. But to her surprised, it wasn't her who did it.

"B*tch!!" the one who did it even scolds Xiao Ping . "How dare you cheat on him !" Xiao Ping squints in pain. The girl presses her two fingers hard onto Xiao Ping's cheeks. "Hey, let her go!" Xiao Ping hears Xu Qian's voice before the squeeze on her face is released with the sound of someone's pulling the arm.

"So you are the cheater's defender ?" the girl who bullied Xiao Ping turns to Xu Qian. "I didn't cheat on him!" Still on the ground, Xiao Ping defenses her self. "Huh.." Before the girl utters anything Xu Qian snaps at her, "Even if she did, you have no right to bully her!!" Xu Qian then helps Xiao Ping to stand. "I'm going to report this to the head of school " Xu Qian adds when seeing the girl is about to attack Xiao Ping again. Both Xiao Ping and the girl bulge their eyes out. Telling the head of school certainly gives problem to both of them.

"Cut it out, Shan Shan " a voice behind the girl says in a calm almost lazy tone. The girl's hand that still in the air is pulled by someone. Er Hua. "I told you it is no need to attack her. She doesn't deserve your energy," Er Hua speaks to the girl like advising her. The girl, Shan Shan, is about to protest but Er Hua continues, "If you still want to idolize Takeshi, it's all up to you. For me, it is really not a worth to idolize a schoolmate's boyfriend. I mean. I don't want to idolize someone who has such a low taste to be in love with a girl who merely no one in my school. And look.. his star is also fading because of that. There is a lot of other better stars we can idolize than Takeshi." Er Hua definitely talked to Shan Shan, but she did it by looking down at Xiao Ping. After that, Er Hua takes Shan Shan leaves Xiao Ping and Xu Qian who stares at them with a mix feeling.


"It's okay, Babe. Don't be sad about it," Takeshi types while trying to send a calming vibe. He is sure that Xiao Ping is crying right now. "But you're losing your friends, and it's all because of me," Xiao Ping utters, trying to hold her sob so it can not be heard by customers in the cafe. "How can it be your fault ? Are you saying that you were actually really cheating on me ?"

"Of course not!" Xiao Ping quickly replies. "Then how can it be your fault ? It is not your fault that we're in love," Takeshi's reply chuckles her. "But still.." Xiao Ping can only types that. She feels really guilty to know that Er Hua quits idolizing Takeshi. She knows that Er Hua was head over heels fan of Takeshi. If Er Hua can quit, how many other fans also quit? And it's probably because they don't like her.

"Babe.." Takeshi calls her. "Yes," she answers. "Did you remember what I said to you back then ? I prefer to lose all my friends than to lose you," Takeshi reminds her. "No.. you can't" Xiao Ping cries harder. "I don't want you to lose all your friends," she says. "Of course not all. My true friends will stay beside me no matter what. And they are not little in numbers," Takeshi's explanation calms Xiao Ping a little.

"I'm sorry," she utters. "For what ? Being my babe ?" Takeshi asks. "No. I was so careless. I never thought the aftermath of my decisions will be such a chaos," Xiao Ping answers. She wishes she did not reveal her identity as his girlfriend. She wishes she didn't kiss Yu Jin. She wishes she chose to deny the girl in kissing scene pictures were her.

"You're not careless. You're just being naive. And that's one of the reason I love you," Takeshi once again calms her with his words. "Beside, the roughest truth is always better than a lie," he adds. Xiao Ping wipes her tears dry with tissue. She knows Takeshi is right, but the truth is really a rough one.

"How can you be so calm ? Aren't you afraid your star won't be shining anymore ?" Xiao Ping asks. "Will you still love me when my star is off ?" Takeshi asks her in return. "Sure I will," Xiao Ping quickly answers. Takeshi smiles. "That's why I can be this calm," he answers her previous question.