Don't Give Up

"How is your exam ?" Takeshi asks in a chat window. "Awful," Xiao Ping replies. Takeshi frowns. "You said you'd studied already ?" he confirms his memory. "I did. But I barely remembered any of it. All I could remember was .. our night," Xiao Ping answers. She can't help to hide the blush on her cheeks, as she wrote it she instantly remembered their activity yesterday. Takeshi sends a laughing emoji.

"Whose fault was it *smug face*?" she asks pretending to pout. "Hmm.. mine ?" Takeshi answers with a question. "Yes." Takeshi sends a sad emoji. "But you started it," he states. "You're the one who told me to try harder," Xiao Ping defends her self. Takeshi smirks. "You're right. I did," he yields. "What should I do to repay your bad mark ?" he asks. Xiao Ping giggles. "No, Love.. I was just joking. I didn't mad at you," she says. "That's too bad. Because I'm thinking to do it again next time as a repayment," Takeshi teases her, knowing well that she would be blushing hard, as he is now. She sends a blushing emoji. He laughs inwardly. He is standing in a subway train so he must behave him self.

"Is the cellular working ?" Takeshi changes the topic. "I'm charging it now. I bought a number already. I will ask Han Han to teach me how to use it later," Xiao Ping tells him. Takeshi hears the name of his destination station is announced. Hiroshi also elbows him. "I got to go," he says to Xiao Ping. "Best luck! Ganbatte !" Xiao Ping gives encouragement.

Takeshi sends her a kiss emoji before turning offline. He then puts his cellular to his pocket as the train stops. He and Hiroshi then quickly steps out and walks to the exit. They are going to one of big record labels building. It's actually a thin chance since this label works with Kin Momoji, Inc. But it never hurts to try.


Takeshi nails his gaze to the table in front of him while a man sitting across him sighs. "Please forgive me, Hasegawa-san. I'm sure you have great songs, but without a strong marketing team to support you, your second album won't be a blast.. Not that I underestimate you, Hayashi-san," the man explains his reason of rejection while immediately apologize to Hiroshi. "Knowing the fact that it won't give me profit, I surely can't take a risk to be your producer," he continues.

"How about if we make a deal. You name the profit and I'll make sure you will have it," Hiroshi gives his offer. Takeshi reflexively moves his gaze to him while widens his eyes. Is Hiroshi out of his mind ? His offer is too risky. Mr. Kamiyama's previous excuse was reasonable. His first album was such a blast because it was fully supported by Kin Momoji's best marketing team and also almost limitless financial budget. It even had four different editions, each with its own merchandise.

"Are you serious about it ?" Mr. Kamiyama asks to Hiroshi.Before his best friend can answer, Takeshi speaks up, "No, he's not." After switching stare with Hiroshi he continues, "Thank you for your time, Kamiyama-san. Maybe we can work together in another opportunity." Takeshi then stands and bows to Mr. Kamiyama. Hiroshi follows his move. "ありがとうございました (Arigatogozaimashita - Thank you)," Hiroshi utters before walks toward the door.

"Hasegawa-san," Mr. Kamiyama calls Takeshi before he leaves the room. "Yes." Takeshi turns his body. "If I may to give you a suggestion.. you better return to Kin Momoji," Mr. Kamiyama speaks his mind. Takeshi bows. "Thank you. I appreciate your suggestion," he says then leaving Mr. Kamiyama's office.

"Why did you cut me off ? Don't you believe I can do it ?" Hiroshi accuses him. "No, I trust you, but he'a not," Takeshi denies. "There's no use to work with people that don't believe in us in the first place. They will only try to prove they are right," Takeshi explains. Hiroshi snuffles but says no more word. Takeshi pets his shoulder then put his arm around it. "Come on. It's only the first label. We knew this one would reject us already. Don't give up," he encourages both Hiroshi and himself.


"Thank you for teaching me, Han Han," Xiao Ping says to Han Han with a wide smile. "Don't mention it," Han Han replies. He then goes back to his desk to wear his jacket and backpack. "Going back already ?" Xiao Ping asks a bit wonder. Han Han simply nods. "Aren't you going to wait for A Lin to come ?" Xiao Ping asks again. Han Han reluctantly shakes his head. She then remembers Yu Jin told her that Han Han was going to ask A Lin for a date that New Year. She guesses it didn't work well. "Don't give up, Han Han," Xiao Ping says to encourage him. Han Han sighs. "I'm not. But it still hurts, you know," Han Han says as sitting next to her. Xiao Ping demands for his explanation with her gaze. The young man sighs. "She laughed at me when I asked her to be my girlfriend," he utters then squints, "It's not that it would surprise her that much. I told her my feeling already. She even gave me a chance to win her heart and I thought I had won her heart. But back then, she just laughed at me, not saying a single word."

Xiao Ping tries hard not to give him a pity look, but she fails. "Don't look at me like that," Han Han refuses her pity and smiles. He then stands up and says, "I'm leaving" before walks out of the cafe.