Accepting You As A Friend

A Lin sighs before she rolls her body to the right, glancing at the alarm clock on the bedside. 11 PM. For the umpteenth times she reaches her cellular, even though she knows nothing has changed. No new text message, not from Han Han, at least. It has been like that for more than a month now. She thought she would get used to it. Instead, she kinda misses it. Han Han used to texted her before bed, just to have light chat, sweet nothing, or merely wished her a good sleep.

Is he still mad at her ? They had their 'talk'. She clearly told him that she was 'only care as a friend'. He might be upset because of that now. "Childish," A Lin scoffs him. She puts her cellular back onto the bedside then closes her eyes. But a minute later she sighs and opens her eyes again.


"I'm leaving, A Lin, Han Han," Xiao Ping says goodbye to both of her friends. A Lin is replying to her with a nod and a smile while Han Han who is fixing a computer raises his head to responds to her, "Okay. Be careful." He only lowing his head after Xiao Ping leaves the room.

The atmosphere then becomes awkward. At least that is what A Lin feels. Before yesterday, she didn't realize how awkward it was. Because Han Han avoided her, they rarely be in the same room in a long time. But today is different. She thought that Han Han was still avoiding her, so she purposely came earlier. To her surprised, Han Han was still in the cafe and seemed like didn't have a plan to leave early.

Even until now, half an hour later when he has finished fixing the computer, Han Han is still on his desk, busy with his computer. He totally ignores A Lin, despite of shortly replied her greeting. That is obviously not normal for A Lin. Han Han usually accompanies her at the cashier desk when he has no job to do. Somehow he always has a topic for a chat with the non-talkative A Lin. But, not today. She glances at him with the corner of her eyes. He still stares at the monitor with serious face.

A Lin turns her body to Han Han. "Are you still mad at me ?" she asks him bluntly. Han Han jolts, her question disrupts his concentration. "Excuse me ?" Han Han asks back, as he didn't hear the question clearly. A Lin snuffles. "You heard me. Are you mad at me ?" Eventually she repeats her question. "No," Han Han answers quick and short. "You're lying," A Lin accuses him. "I'm not," Han Han denies. A Lin looks at him, but the young man is already shifting his focus to his computer. His eyebrows furrows. He seems to be quite busy on something, so A Lin decides not to disturb him.


"Hi, are you busy ?" the text was sent 30 minutes ago. A Lin now regrets to send it. It's 10.30 PM. She is sure Han Han has not slept yet. He told her that he can only sleep after midnight.

A short ringtone makes A Lin jolts and immediately reaches her cellular. It's from Han Han! Her happy heart sinks a little bit to have a very short reply: No.

"What are you doing now ?" Ignoring her disappointment, A Lin texts him back. After another 20 minutes, when she almost falls asleep, Han Han finally replies, again with a short answer: Nothing. A Lin can only bring her disappointment to sleep as she has no idea what to text to him.


A Lin stands in front of Han Han's desk, staring at the computer monitor with a growl and disbelief. When Han Han is going to toilet, A Lin sneaks to his desk, curious what is he has been busy with these few days.

"What are you doing in my place ?" Han Han who just came out from the toilet asks her. "Are you busy ?" Instead of answering, she asks her back. "Not really," Han Han answers, knowing that A Lin must have seen the comic he has been reading on website.

"Can we talk then ?" A Lin asks again. Han Han who is now standing in front of her shrugs. "About what ?" he asks. "About why you are ignoring me..."

"Woman, you have accused me many times lately," he barks in low voice. "You accused me avoiding you, then mad at you. Now you accuse me ignoring you," Han Han then says.

"If you're not ignoring me, you tell me why suddenly you choose to read a comic rather than chat with me like usual ?" A Lin challenges him. Han Han chuckles. "Are you sure you want the answer ?" he challenges back. "Of course," A Lin urges. "Because it's more interesting," he answers straightforwardly then ends it with a smirk to see A Lin is stupefied.

"Look. I'm not ignoring you or mad at you. This is just.. what should I say.. the normal me of being friend," Han Han casually explains. He chuckles again before continues, "I told you that I have crushed on you since we met. So I had never considered you as 'just friend', not until few days ago. All my treatments to you were special. Well, maybe it's not for other men, but it is to me. I don't text my female friends if nothing were necessary. I don't do sweet talks, or trying hard to come up with topics to chat all the time with them. I don't ask them to go out every weekend. I don't carefully behave my self toward other female friends to make sure they're not jealous. I don't lend my shoulders for them to sleep, and I definitely don't kiss them."

"I don't know whether you just customized to kiss your male friends, but I don't. So when we were kissing at the New Year's count down, I thought I was also special for you," Han Han still continues then shrugs to express his disappointment. "But I was wrong. Turns out I am just a friend for you. So, I decide to learn to consider you as just friend, too. At least, by changing my treatment for a start," Han Han ends his explanation with settling his gaze to A Lin. The latter is lowing her head down. "I'm not mad at you, A Lin. I'm just accepting you as a friend."