Chocolate Gift [2]

"Happy Valentine's day, Babe," Takeshi utters it in a form of typed chat to Xiao Ping. He almost falls asleep when Xiao Ping finally replies him, "Happy Valentine's day, Love." Takeshi smiles gently. "Were you sleeping already ?" he asks. "I fell asleep waiting for you," Xiao Ping answers. "I'm sorry," Takeshi feels guilty. He went to the public bathroom first with Hiroshi before came home. "That's okay," Xiao Ping responds. "So, how many chocolate you receive today ?" Xiao Ping asks. Takeshi shifts his body a little. "Only one. Hiroshi hasn't checked my PO Box yet," Takeshi answers. "Ow.. From whom ?" Xiao Ping asks. "Hmm.. Aiko," Takeshi answers. "Is it good ?" Xiao Ping asks again. "Not bad," Takeshi answers. "I hate Valentine's choco," he then tells her. "Why ?" Xiao Ping asks. "It's actually a burden for us men," Takeshi types. "When we receive a Valentine's chocolate, we have to give a gift back to the sender. The gift should at least has the same value, if not it will be consider impolite. You see, we don't ask to be given chocolate. The girls just force us to buy them gifts by giving us chocolate. Not to mention when we receive a honmei chocolate from one we don't have feeling. It really gives a pain in our heads how to reply such a gift," Takeshi explains and complains at the same time.

"You don't have to reply my chocolate if you don't want to," Xiao Ping tells him. "What ?!" Takeshi asks in surprised. "I made you a chocolate. I sent it couple days ago though, so it might be late for a Valentine's chocolate," Xiao Ping types. "Babe.. you don't need to do that. That is a waste of money," Takeshi lectures her, "the expedition fee must be a fortune. Not to mention the chocolate might be melted or even moldy. it is really a waste."

"If it is moldy or decay you can just throw it to trash bin, okay," Xiao Ping utters with a pout. "If you already knew it might be decay, why you still sent it to me ? You didn't care whether it would be decay or not, all you want is to give me chocolate so you can have a gift from me, is that so ?" Takeshi asks her in irritation.

"I don't want a gift from you !!" Xiao Ping shouts in her typing. How could he accuse her like that. "It's Valentine's day. I just want to give you something on this day," she explains. "You don't have to give me anything ! And if you really want to give me something, next time, try to think of something that won't decay on its trip here," Takeshi says. Xiao Ping feels her chest is heavy to read Takeshi's harsh word. She finds it as Takeshi said that it is a stupidity to send a chocolate from Taiwan.

"If I have more money, I prefer to buy you something else. Unfortunately, I have no money," she is trying to say that it is the best effort that she can do for him. "That's exactly my point ! You are just wasting your money by sending me a chocolate ! Don't you get it ?!" Takeshi impatiently asks her. "No, I don't get it. I'm stupid, remember ?" Xiao Ping responds in anger. "Babe.. that's not what I meant," Takeshi realizes she is angry now. "It is what you're thinking. You just think it would be such a stupidity to receive a decay chocolate, and such a burden to reply a decayed gift. You don't care how much effort I put to make the chocolate and send it to you. How much money I spend..."

"I care. That's why I said it is such a waste. You don't have to do that!"

"I WANT to do that !!!" Xiao Ping types while tears are trailing down her cheek. "I WANT to give you chocolate on Valentine's day. I WANT to say how much I love you on Valentine's day. I DON'T WANT anything as a reply. You even don't have to say thank you and just throw it to trash bin once you received it. Or maybe I will ask Hiroshi to do that for you tomorrow."

"Babe, I'm sorry.." Takeshi can sense Xiao Ping is crying, so he immediately retreats. "Thank you for the chocolate. I promise you, I'm going to eat it no matter what," Takeshi coaxing. "No. If it is moldy or decay, you have to throw it away. Don't it eat. Promise me," Xiao Ping says. "Okay, I promise. I'm sorry. Don't cry, please," Takeshi asks her apologize again. "You don't need to say sorry," Xiao Ping types after she calms herself down, "It is my fault not to consider carefully."

"Babe.. We don't need Valentine's day to say 'I love you' to each other, don't we ? We don't need chocolate or gift to tell how much our love to each other neither. I prefer you to save your money so you can go to Japan and meet my mother someday," Takeshi tells her what he actually meant previously, "Sending you a gift is also not a burden nor obligation for me. It is a privilege. I am so lucky to have your love. I'm honor to have privilege to own you and to call you my lover, and to kiss you whenever we met," Takeshi is coaxing restlessly, making Xiao Ping eventually stops crying and even chuckles. "Kiss me, then.." Xiao Ping asks. Takeshi sends her lot of kissing emojies. "I love you," Xiao Ping says. "I love you more," Takeshi replies.


Xiao Ping's chocolate arrives three days after. It's original shape is a big 3D heart with a strawberry jam inside. But since it is melted on the way to Japan, the shape is no longer in 3D form while the strawberry jam comes out and overflows. Fortunately, even the shape is ruined, it is not moldy or decay. It needs Takeshi's effort to take it off from the box surface. After completely peels it off from the box, Takeshi takes a big bite on it. He smiles lovingly as to taste the sweet and delicious chocolate in his mouth. Surely is the best chocolate for him.