A Jinx to Your Career

"Poor Aiko," Xiao Ping types. "She is," Takeshi shortly replies. He does feels sorry to know Aiko has cancer. "I can't imagine my self at her position," Xiao Ping says in gloom. "She will be alright," Takeshi says, trying to cheer Xiao Ping. "Don't you want to visit her ?" Xiao Ping asks. "She deliberately lied to me because she didn't want me to know her condition," Takeshi gives her reasoning. "Yeah.. you're right," Xiao Ping says again. "What else did you talk about in the meeting ?" she asks again. "Nothing much. He drank more than talked."

"Hmm.. so what is the purpose of the meeting ? You haven't told me anything about it," Xiao Ping asks. Takeshi sighs. He deliberately didn't tell her about Mr. Waseda's offer, still she is too smart to be fooled. Once she asks direct question like this Takeshi can't hide the truth, not without lying.

"He offers me some helps to boost my career if I agree to be Aiko's boy friend. I rejected his offer even before he finished his words," Takeshi answers with the truth. "I see," that's her reply. Silence is spreading its net between them for some minutes.

"Babe, it was nothing. Don't think about it," Takeshi breaks the silence. He knows what's in Xiao Ping's mind. "I'm the barrier of your career," Xiao Ping types. "Don't say that!" Takeshi rebukes. "But it's the truth. You've been rejecting opportunities for your career because you don't want to lose me. Meanwhile I'm nothing more than a jinx to your career."

"Stop saying that !" Takeshi orders her in anger. "You are not a barrier, even less a jinx. I CHOOSE love over career. I chose career once, and it didn't end well. I was not happy. This time I choose love, I choose you! You don't know how much happier I am now."

"But, your career.."

"My career is nothing compare to your love," Takeshi says it firmly. "Don't you even think to regret our love. Don't you even dare to think.." Takeshi's hands are shaking as bad as his shoulders, his lips are pressed tightly and his eyes are red to suppress his emotion to come out. "to leave me," he is finally able to finish his words.

"I didn't," Xiao Ping utters. "I'm too selfish to willing to let you go, al though it will hurt your career," Her cheeks are already wet. "But there are times when I'm afraid maybe someday you will blame me about your career lost."

"I will never blame you," Takeshi confirms. "Someday you will," Xiao Ping insists. "Don't be stubborn," Takeshi scolds her. "I say it again: I will never regret or blame you. Never. Beside, nothing is hurting my career. There is nothing change in our agreement."

"Don't you afraid he might deceive you ?" Xiao Ping asks. "He said he doesn't scheme people. I believe him," Takeshi answers. "I'm sorry," Xiao Ping types. "For what ?" Takeshi asks. "I'm just sorry," Xiao Ping types again. Takeshi sighs. "Babe," he calls her. "Yes," she answers shortly. "Are you regretting us ?" he asks. "No," she answers, again only a word. "Then, don't be sorry. I don't accept your sorry," Takeshi utters. Xiao Ping sends him a crying emoji. "Don't cry. I don't accept your sorry because nothing to be sorry about," Takeshi explains to her while sending a gentle vibe to calm her down. Xiao Ping doesn't reply for couple of minutes. "Do you accept my love then ?" she then asks. Takeshi smiles widely. "Always," he says then takes a pillow and hugs it tight. "I imagine my self hugging you so tight right now," he types. "Me, too," Xiao Ping replies. Once again, they let silence capturing their chat for more than five minutes. "Don't worry, Babe. I promise you.. nothing bad is gonna hurting my career," Takeshi then types while still hugging his pillow.


Actually, Mr. Waseda seems to be an honest person. He really keeps his promise as nothing changes to their agreement even after two months ahead. While his recording is being edited and enters mass production, Takeshi and Hiroshi are busy planning their marketing strategy. Since it will be hard for them to enter TV station, they are going to market it via radio station and jam sessions on cafes and malls. They also decides to add a little gift along the CD album as a gimmick. It is a heart-shape pendant, as one of the song's title in the album is Love Pendant. It is obviously inspired by the pendant Xiao Ping gave as his birthday present. Takeshi also ordered the same shape pendant, including the necklace chain, but made from white gold and sent it to Xiao Ping.

"Do you like it ?" Takeshi asks her once she told him that she had accepted the necklace. "Are you kidding me ? I love it !" Xiao Ping answers excitedly. She immediately wore it when she received it. Now the necklace is on her neck, replacing Yu Jin's gift. "Thank goodness," Takeshi says in relieved. "Do you think my friends will like it, too ?" he asks. "Definitely," Xiao Ping answers in firm. "You are such a romantic person. I can't recall there is other singer give a pendant as their album's gimmick," Xiao Ping continues. Takeshi grows a smile in satisfaction. "I hope it'll help my album sale," he says. "I'm sure it will," Xiao Ping assures him.

Takeshi's cellular is ringing. He excuses him self off from Xiao Ping to take the call which is from Goro. "もしもし (Moshimoshi - Hello)," Takeshi greets his brother.

"Ta.. Ta..keshi.. Mom.. mom.. collapse.."