Wish For A Miracle

The doctor comes out of the ICU room. "Calm down. She's okay now," he says with a loud emotionless voice to overcome Takeshi's wail that immediately stops. "She is ?" Takeshi asks in between his sobs. The doctor nods calmly but there are still some cold sweats on his face that leave tracks how tense he was. "She might have a nightmare that made her heart beaten faster. I have had to give her more anesthesia, now she is in deeper sleep state so she would have no dream," he tells still with a calm voice. Takeshi can only bow and thank him repeatedly. "You should get some rest as well. Have you eaten ?" the doctor advises him with a gentle smile, "Have some meals and bath. It is still a long journey. You need to be fit and strong." He then excuses himself. The male paramedics also let Takeshi go once they see he is calming down.

Takeshi drops his back against the wall behind him. He almost fell if Hiroshi is not quick enough to come and support him. "It's okay now.. it's okay," Hiroshi whispers to calm him. "It's not.. I can lose her at anytime," Takeshi hisses in anger, angry to himself. "You won't. She's a fighter," Hiroshi soothes him. "For how long ?! You heard what the doctor said, she needs to wait more than 100 people before she can get her donor!" Takeshi reflexively stands while bursting out his worry.

"Hey, calm down.. at least she can have the transplantation. She still has hope. Don't you forget that," Hiroshi reminds him after pulled Takeshi backs to sit. Takeshi covers his face with both of his hands. "What frustrated me most is that I can do nothing. I feel so useless," he says it in despair. His eyes are teary and that is why he covers his face, to hide it from Hiroshi. The latter pats his shoulder. "You can always pray," Hiroshi suggests. Takeshi turns his head to Hiroshi. "I have never prayed," he whispers, a shame can be heard from his voice. Hiroshi raises his eyebrows surprised.


After promising Takeshi to take him to a shrine to pray, Hiroshi finally is able to make Takeshi eats. They eat in one of restaurant on their way to Imamiya shrine, a shrine that is quite famous for health wish at Kyoto. To see how heartily Takeshi eats, Hiroshi then realizes that Takeshi must had hadn't eaten for some times. Hiroshi holds himself not to rebuke his friend though. He knows well how Takeshi will instantly quit eating once his mood is disrupted.

Once they arrive at the shrine, Hiroshi guides Takeshi to pray in one of the main shrine. He then leads Takeshi to Ahokashi-san's place. Ahokashi is a wish-fulfilled stone, the main reason of most Imamiya's visitors come.

Since it is a weekday and still quite early in the morning, there is only a person ahead them. After the person went away, Takeshi steps into the small housing where the stone is placed in the center of the house on a feathered silk pillow. Beside the stone there is an instruction of how to pray. Takeshi reads it carefully before he starts praying. Takeshi taps the stone three times then lifts it with both hands. It is quite heavy. He puts it back then prays. He prays with all of his heart only for his mother's life and health. After praying, he quickly wipes the corner of his eyes before rubs the stone three times. He then slowly, almost hesitate, lifts the stone again with both of his hands. It is still heavy, but less heavy than the first time he did it. Does it mean his wish is fulfilled ? He asks himself. He really hopes so. He then puts the stone back on the pillow and bowing to the stone before turns himself and goes out of the housing. Outside, he is surprised to see Hiroshi is talking with Mr. Waseda.

"Waseda-sama," Takeshi greets him with a respectful bow. "Ah.. Takeshi, You've finished praying. Wait for me a minute will you? I need to pray first, then we can talk while you're accompanying me to have brunch," Mr. Waseda tells him, then in a hurry enters the stone's housing. Takeshi doesn't have a chance to refuse his invitation. So, finally he and Hiroshi wait for the old man.


They go for brunch at one of the restaurant in front of the shrine's gate. The restaurant's signature dish is aburimochi, roasted rice cake on skewer dusted with roasted soy bean powder. It is one of Hiroshi's favorite food. So once the food came, he puts his concentration on it, ignoring two men around him.

"I heard about your mother's condition from Hiroshi," Mr. Waseda says to Takeshi. Takeshi glances at Hiroshi before nodding. "Believe it or not, I may able to help you," Mr. Waseda continues.

"I'm sorry, but how ?" Takeshi asks weakly only for politeness.

Mr. Waseda chews down a piece of mochi before starts his explanation, "I told you that I have many connections. Not only Japan-wide but also world-wide. Not only in entertainment industry, also in other industries as well, including ones that work in the underground world." Mr. Waseda purposely halts his explanation to see Takeshi's reaction. The latter still in solemn expression awaits for him to continue.

"The legitimate heart donors are truly very limited. But not in the black market," Mr. Waseda continues.

"You means ones that we can't have warranty about their healthiness ?" Takeshi asks, readily to reject.

"Some are. There are many resources in black markets. They can have it from death homeless people that no one care about, or from death traffickers and death drug-addicts. Some even kidnap and kill people for their organs. But there are also people who voluntarily did it for money," Mr. Waseda answers. Takeshi squints his eyes. "It's a heart, Sir. Ones still can live with a lung or kidney, but it is impossible..," Takeshi doesn't continue his words to see Mr. Waseda's nod.

"There are many people that helplessly in huge mounts of debt, or people who desperately need money for their families or loved ones that they are willing to sacrifice their life. Being legitimate donors mean they have to die naturally, which means it will take a long time to have the money. Beside, the price in the black market is a lot higher. The black markets who do this still hold the health standard. Only ones pass the health standard can be the prospects."

"How much high is the price ?" Takeshi asks, his interest is increasing drastically. Mr. Waseda smiles gently. "I don't know for sure. I can check it for you later on, but maybe at least around 200 or 300 millions yen, perhaps ?" Mr. Waseda's answer definitely drops Takeshi's excitement.

"I don't have that kind of money," Takeshi utters sadly. The price is just impossible for him to reach. But it is a reasonable price for that much sacrifice of a person.

"I can help you with that also," Mr. Waseda tells him still with a gentle smile. "All you need to do is to make sure Aiko's happiness for the rest of her life," Mr. Waseda continues, definitely receiving Takeshi's surprised bulged eyes even Hiroshi's choke.