A Good Memory

"Have you read the latest J-Aidoru ? There is a gossip that Takeshi is already dating again," the shrill loud voice of Er Hua reaches Xiao Ping's ear. At once, Xiao Ping becomes tense. Her nails and finger segments are white due to the hard pressure she makes to her cutlery. "The gossip said she is the daughter of a music label company's CEO, Aiko Waseda. They were seen having a date on the Kaiyukan last week," Er Hua's voice continues telling her friends about the news she read from the magazine. Xiao Ping forces herself to breathe slowly while telling her eyes to not drop a single tear. She is not angry to Er Hua, nor to Takeshi. She knows he has to do it. But she still can't help to feel sad. Xu Qian pats her shoulder to calm her down. "It's okay," Xiao Ping whispers. "We better get out of here," Xu Qian says. Xiao Ping nods. Without finishing her lunch, she stands up and walks out of the cafeteria. Still, she can hear Er Hua words that definitely trying to trigger her anger, "Finally, Takeshi uses his common sense again. This girl is really commensurate him, and far beyond his last girl." Xiao Ping can manage her anger, but not Xu Qian. "Shut your mouth !" She yells at Er Hua. Xiao Ping holds her arm so she can not come close to Er Hua. "Let her be, Xu Qian. It's not worth it," Xiao Ping calms her down. When she sees Xu Qian is about to yell at Er Hua again, Xiao Ping immediately pulls her out of the cafeteria.

"Why don't you let me beat her up," Xu Qian says in grumble. "What's for ? It's not that what she said was wrong," Xiao Ping says in low tone. "I'm not Takeshi's girlfriend anymore. So he has the right to date with anyone else now. And the girl really is better than me," Xiao Ping adds. Xu Qian turns to her. "How can you be sure ?" Xu Qian asks in wonder. Xiao Ping smiles sourly. "I just knew," she says in weak. Xu Qian gives her investigating look, but Xiao Ping doesn't say anything anymore.


As Xiao Ping can predict, Er Hua is not the only fan who bully her. On the internet there are quite numbers of fans who mock her, comparing her to Aiko. They are glad that their relationship has ended now. Takeshi squints his eyes to read the forum thread about it. It hurts him to read those bad comments al though no one makes a bad comment about him. Still.. it is Xiao Ping, his love who they bad talk about.

"Just let it be. Soon when your album is launched they will change the topic right away," Hiroshi advises him. "I'm not that heartless," Takeshi scoffs him in low tone. Hiroshi sighs. "She is willing to take the responsible," he says. "But that doesn't mean I can ignore what happened to her. It is just too cruel," Takeshi snaps. "You are too emotional, right now. Your message will be too personal and defensive that may blow up your feeling to her. Remember, that you should already not loving her anymore," Hiroshi gives his reasoning. Takeshi stares at him with pity look. "I can not not do anything on this," Takeshi whispers in almost pleading tone. Hiroshi sighs. "I will take care of it. Me. Not you," Hiroshi finally decides. Takeshi can only agree to his decision. It is better than nothing.

"Hello, my dearest ともだち (tomodachi - friend). Thank you for your all along support on me. Your support really helps me trough a lot. As you can see, it is over between me and her. We decided it together, and we separated in good term. I'm now moving on and keeping it as a good memory. Every thing has happened in my life is always good, I never regret anything. So, I hope you can help me keeping her as a good memory and move along with me. Hey, there will be a launch within a week. Are you ready ? ;) Love, Takeshi"


Maybe because of "Takeshi's message" to his fans, or maybe because of his second album's launch, the bullying over Xiao Ping is subsided. Since it had been waited by his fans for so long, his new album, called "Happiness in My Hand", becomes a hit. Their first production of CDs are almost sold out within less than a month. Takeshi is also very busy to promote his album by visit all radio stations around Japan. And al though he can't promote in the TV stations, he can make fans meet and greets and concerts all over Japan's big cities. Of course that couldn't be happened if he hadn't been supported by Mr. Waseda.

Xiao Ping smiles when she reads that Takeshi's first single becomes no. 1 in Japan's Pop Chart for two weeks in a row. With an earphone, she listens countless times of his song. It is the song he sang once on the rooftop, but in a complete and more beautiful arrangement. She smiles al though her eyes are wet. She is happy to see Takeshi gains his success again. Her sacrifice is not fruitless after all. She touches the heart pendant on her chest. I love you, she murmurs while a tear drops and trailing down over her smiling lips.