Going Numb

Aiko and Takeshi enter the hotel lobby with the help of hotel securities. Once being free from the ambush of Takeshi's fans, they exhale syncronously, look at each other then giggle. The giggles don't stop until they reach in front of Aiko's room. They are both a liitle bit tipsy as they ordered a bottle of red wine after dinner. While Aiko only drank a glass of it, Takeshi finished the rest in the bottle.

"Thank you for today," Aiko utters after her giggle is subsided. She stands agaisnt the door. "Don't mention it," Takeshi responds. He slightly bends his body to match her height then tugging a piece of Aiko's wig in between her ear. "Are you happy today ?" Takeshi asks. Aiko nods with a full smile. "I'm always happy when I'm with you," she tells him in shy. Takeshi chuckles then pinches her cheek gently. "I'm happy I can spend my day with you, too," he says. Takeshi then raises his arm to look at his watch. "It's late. You better start packing and rest quickly. We have an early flight tomorrow," he suggests her while handing her few shopping bags that have been carried by him from the moment they came out of the car. Aiko takes the bags, "Thank you," she says.

"Anything else ?" Takeshi asks when he sees Aiko has no intention to open the door.

"Don't you want to give me a good night kiss ?" she requests, putting her stare on his eyes.

"S.. sure.. I forgot," Takeshi responds. Aiko smiles then closes her eyes. Takeshi brings his face closer to Aiko's face, gently brushes her lips with his before closing his eyes. Aiko responds his kiss immediately by opening her mouth wider to let Takeshi kisses her deeper. Takeshi slightly turns his head and puts his hand on the back of Aiko's neck. He pushes her neck slightly to help him giving a deeper kiss then sucks her breath until she lets go the kiss to grab some air.

"Good night," Takeshi whispers on her nose before kisses her forehead gently. "Good night," Aiko replies. She opens the door then goes in slowly.

When Takeshi closes his room's door, he exhales in relieved as if a burden just being picked up from his shoulder. It's tiring to pretend all day. It's not that Aiko is irritating or something, it's just that.. he has to pretend to love her. It is like being filming without a break.

Takeshi drags his body away from the door. While approaching the bathroom. he begins undressing himself. He turns on the water to fill the tub after putting the bath robe and sits on the edge of the tub, just staring at the running water. He is a bit stuttered when the hotel's phone rings.

"Hi.. something's wrong ?" Takeshi already can figure who calls him.

"How could you know it's me ?" Still, Aiko is surprised. Takeshi smiles gently. "I just knew," he says it as gentle as his smile. "So.. what is it ?"

"I forgot to say 'I love you'," Aiko says spoiledly. "I love you," she continues.

"You, too.." Takeshi replies.

"Me, too what ?" Aiko's sudden question makes Takeshi stammered.

"L.. love you..," Takeshi answers with a choked voice. His eyes suddenly become moist as a pain burst inside his chest.

"I love you," he repeats it and adds 'Xiao Ping' inwardly. He hears Aiko giggles then says goodnight before ends the call. Takeshi takes off his bathing robe, goes into the bath tub and drowns his head under the water, hoping to heal the wound he just made.


Fortunately, human's capabality of adapting is amazing. Takeshi might find it hard and painful to lie through his teeth saying 'I love you' to Aiko for the first couple of times, but it gets easier the more times he does it. His heart is slowly going numb. Now, he always ends the day by kissing her and saying 'I love you' as Aiko is always by his side most of the time, accompanying him running through his tight schedule. The girl doesn't mind countless times falling to sleep in the makeup rooms or lobby's couches, waiting for Takeshi doing his concerts, commercial filming, talk shows, or fans meet and greets. Takeshi is also spending his days off to take her on dates. They really look like a happy loving couple and the media can even build a day by day timeline of their love story out of footages they have about them.

Takeshi closes the door behind him as he enters his apartment. His day just ended after he finished a part of commercial filming for a motorcycle. Just like last year, the commercial will be filming in several countries through out the world. And not like any usual day, today Aiko didn't accompany him. She said she was a little unwell so she decided to rest.

The thought about the girl reminds Takeshi to call her. But before he can dials her number he is surprised to realize his apartment's condition. The light is already on. And to more of his surprise, there is someone on his couch.