Your Happiness is My Priority

Aiko slowly opens her eye, but she quickly closes them again when a burst of pain in her head attacks. In a snail speed, she tries to regain where she is, and more importantly what happened last night. When she finally remembers, her hands instantly uncover the blanket that embracing her body. She sighs in relieved. She is still in her dress. Her alcoholic stink dress. Maybe triggered by the scent of her dress, she suddenly feels nausea. While holding her puke to not come out, she stands and stumbly walks out the bed room in haze, finding for bath room. She barely manages to hold her puke any longer when she finally finds the bath room. Quickly, she goes in and removes all the content of her stomach on the toilet.

After finish throwing up, she sits on the floor hugging the toilet bowl. It is when she sees Takeshi in front of the bathroom door.

"Feeling better ?" Takeshi asks. Aiko weakly nods. Takeshi smiles then approaches her. He helps her stands and walks out of the bathroom.

"I'm.. I'm sorry," Aiko says in stammered. She gains all her bravery to look on Takeshi in the eyes. "All that I said last night.. I didn't mean any of it.."

Takeshi shakes his head without fading a smile. "You were drunk. I've never taken anything seriously over a drunk person's words," he says then puts his hand on her forehead. "You still has fever," he tells her.

"I will be fine," Aiko says. She sits on a high chair next to the kitchen counter. Takeshi is putting a bowl of soup in front of her. "I made you miso clam soup. Eat it. It's good for hang over," he says. Aiko obeys him without a word.

"I'm going to prepare my self. After finish eating, you can take a bath. I don't have girl clothe, but maybe you can wear my t-shirt, with a belt you can make it into a mini dress. It's better than wearing your last night dress. I'm going to drop you to your father's mansion on my way to airport," Takeshi explains to her. To see Aiko nods to understand, he enters his bedroom.


The car stops in front of a huge house. Aiko turns her head to Takeshi. "Thank you," she says in low tone. Takeshi kisses her forehead. "Don't forget to do the monthly check up, okay ? You missed it last month already," Takeshi chides her gently. Aiko nods. "Okay," she promises him.

"If you being good, we will have proper 2nd monthversary celebration after I return to Japan," Takeshi promises her and chuckles to see her happy face.

"Btw.. I cancel my concert at Taiwan," Takeshi utters one more thing before Aiko leaves the car. "No.. you don't have to.." Aiko says in regretful tone. Takeshi smiles. "It's okay. Your happiness is my priority," he says it solemnly. Aiko hugs him tight. "I love you," she whispers on his ear then kisses him on his cheek before jumping out of the car.

"Have a safe trip," Aiko says while waving her hand. Takeshi waves back to her. Once the car is moving, he closes his window and looks at Hiroshi that has been silently watching him over the rear view mirror all this time.

"You can relax. The typhoon was hitting the east part of Taiwan. Taipei is at the north of Taiwan, she should be okay," Hiroshi reports to him. "Can't you contact her to make sure about it ?" Takeshi asks. "I have. But she hasn't replied," Hiroshi answers him Takeshi sighs. He watched the news last night to learn that a huge typhoon called Toraji hit Taiwan yesterday. That is actually the reason he cancels his tour at Taiwan.


"I'm fine. It's only heavy rain here, but the typhoon didn't reach here. Thank you for asking."

Xiao Ping sends the message to reply Hiroshi's chat. She hesitates for a moment but then continues, "Please take good care of him. I'm glad he is happy with her. I'm also happy to see how successful he is now. Please tell him he doesn't need to worry about me. Please tell him to forget me and have a happy life." The last sentence makes her eyes teary. But Xiao Ping quickly sends it before her mind decides to edit it.

Xiao Ping then glances at another icon of chat that still in grey. The typhoon that hit east-center of Taiwan has made a severe damage to that part of country. Many has died, many more gone missing. Yu Jin is sent by the military to help the evacuation process there. He hasn't given her any news since yesterday. Honestly, she is now worry of his safety.

It is only after midnight Xiao Ping receives a call from Yu Jin.

"Are you okay ?" Xiao Ping immediately asks him.

"I'm fine, just tired. Sorry, I was so busy that I only can call you now."

"That's okay. I'm just worry. How is it there ?"

"Devastating. There are so many victims and the infrastructures are damage badly. There is still no electricity, the roads has been block"

"Oh.. poor them." Xiao Ping feels sorry for the victims.

"Anyway, are you okay ?" Yu Jin asks in return.

"Yeah, sure. It's only non-stop raining here. The government told all activities to be halt for precaution. But the storm didn't hit us here."

"You must be careful. Don't use bike when it's raining. It must be slipery."

"Hey.. I'm the one who should worry about you, not the other way around."

Yu Jin chuckles. "I always worry about you. It's a habit."

"Try to contact me everyday, will you ?" Xiao Ping asks.

"I will try my best."

"And please becareful. Don't hurt your self.."

Yu Jin can't help to smile widely. "I will. I promise you. We may have to postpone the camping plan though. I may only can back two more weeks."

"That will be fine. As long as you come back safe and sound."

Yu Jin chuckles to hear Xiao Ping worry voice. "Hey.. I'm not in danger. Don't worry, okay ?"

"Okay.. just be careful."

"I will. See you soon," Yu Jin makes a promise before saying goodbye because a duty calls. Though tired, he feels warm to know Xiao Ping being so worry about him. Yu Jin puts back his helmet and walks out of his tent, ready to do another evacuation.