Right Beside Me All Along (Epilogue)

"Are you ready kid ?"

"Yes, Sir !"

"Where are we going ?"

"外公 家 ! (Wai gong jia ! - Grandpa's house!)"

"What are you going to be there ?"

"I'm going to be a very nice boy so Mama will bring me a sister as a gift"

"Good boy!" Yu Jin hugs the 5 years old boy with so much love. Xiao Ping who stands few feets from them smiles happily to watch the father and son's conversation. Seeing Xiao Ping stands on there carrying a big hand bag, Yu Jin immediately walks to her.

"Are you ready ?" he whispers with loving voice. Xiao Ping nods, unconsciously rubbing her big tummy. Yu Jin takes the hand bag she is carrying and put it on his shoulder. He bends his body and whispers to the belly, "I can't wait to see you, my princess," then kisses the belly. Xiao Ping's belly is moving like something is kicking from inside. The boy, Xiao Xing suddenly comes and kisses the belly, too. "I can't wait to see you, too, Sis," he says then hugs Xiao Ping's belly. The belly is moving again. Xiao Ping and Yu Jin laugh at their son's cute act. Yu Jin gives Xiao Ping a peck of a kiss. "Let's go," he says.


"Aaarrrgghh!!" Xiao Ping groans in pain as she holds Yu Jin's hand tight. The doctor who just straightens his body from checking up her below smiles in understanding.

"Just hold on for few moment. The opening is not yet maximum," he says calmly.

"How much longer is it, Doc ?" Yu Jin asks in anxious. He squints his eyes a little to express his worry. The doctor then glances at his watch. "Maybe half an hour ? It is only at 8," he says.

"We should do c-section again instead," Yu Jin says in regret. "No, I want this to be normal," Xiao Ping rebukes him in between panting. "Yes, of course, Sweet heart," Yu Jin immediately retreat his regret and wipes sweats on Xiao Ping's face. "Just hold on, okay.. I am here," he says lovingly then kisses her forehead. This is Xiao Ping's second labor, but the first time she had a complication thus had a c-section surgery instead. This second labor she insists to have a normal one.

After some other painful constractions, the doctor finally says, "It's 10. Okay, Ma'am get ready! Manage your breathing. When I say push, you push hard!!"

Xiao Ping regulates her breath. Yu Jin stands on her side, one hand on the back of her head, while the other is being her hold. The doctor and nurses getting their gloves on. Another nurse prepares some equipments.

The doctor's upper body is disappearing under the blanket that covered Xiao Ping's below.

"On the count of 3. 1.. 2.. 3.. Push !!"

Xiao Ping pushes as hard as she can. Her face is as red as riped tomato. Yu Jin helps to support her head being tug to her neck. He squints a little as she squeezes his hand so hard.

"Rest !!" the doctor orders. Xiao Ping is panting for breath again. She sweats furiously and pain is shown all over her face. Yu Jin can only wish he can change position with her. "I love you, Babe.. I love you so much," he whispers to her as the doctor once again orders, "Push!!"

"Aaarrrrgghhh!!" Xiao Ping screams as she pushes again all her might. Yu Jin squints a little deeper as the pain on his squeezed hand is getting deeper. But it is ofcourse nothing compares to Xiao Ping's pain. He knows it. So he swallows his wail.

"The head is coming !! One more push, Ma'am. Harder this time.. then it will be over.."

"You can do.."

"Shut up!!" Xiao Ping barks at Yu Jin while glaring at him in dagger sharply. Yu Jin wipes her forehead with a smile on his face. She swipes it away while still panting in pain. "I hate you for making me pregnant!" Xiao Ping utters. Yu Jin is stunned for a second then smiles wryly. "Okay.. no more baby," he promises her.

"Ready ??" The doctor intterupts the 'intimate' conversation of the couple. Xiao Ping turns her head to the doctor and nods. "Push !!"

"Aaaaarrrgghh !!!" Xiao Ping is screaming hard as she pushes for the last time as hard as she can. "I swear I won't make love to you again, Yu Jiiiiin!!!!"

The corner of Yu Jin's lips is twitched. But his lips immediately open and let out a loud scream as he suddenly hears a small pop followed by tremendous pain on his palm.

"Eeeeeeee...!!!" A baby's cry adding the loud noises in the room.


When Xiao Ping opens her eyes lazily, Yu Jin is right next to her, rubbing her hair softly with his left hand. "Hi," she says to him weakly.

"Hi.. you're awake !" he responds excitedly. Xiao Ping just nods. She is still exhausted. Her whole body is also still hurt, especially in her below. But that hurt reminds her about their baby.

"Where is she ?" she asks Yu Jin.

"She is sleeping. Do you want her to be brought here ?" Yu Jin answers and asks her in once. Seeing Xiao Ping's nod, Yu Jin pushes a button on top of Xiao Ping's head. Soon a nurse comes. Yu Jin asks her to bring their daughter in the room.

After the nurse is out, Xiao Ping frowns to see Yu Jin's right hand is in cast. "Did I do it ?" she asks.

"Oh.. this ? It's nothing. Only a little displacement. Don't worry about it," Yu Jin says instead of answering her straight forward. Xiao Ping squints apologethicaly. "Sorry..."

Yu Jin goes back to her side and kisses her forehead. "I was more hurt when I heard that you don't want to make love to me again," he says it teasingly. Xiao Ping giggles. "You know I can't stand to see you miserable," she teases him back. Yu Jin chuckles. "Are you sure I will be the one who's miserable ?" he hisses with a low tone then kisses her passionately. It will definitely make Xiao Ping turns on if only she's not still in pain.

Someone is coughing. They immediately releases the kiss. "Sorry.. I bring the baby," a nurse says in awkward. The nurse then brings the cart with the baby inside toward the bed. After that she gently carries out the baby on her arms and handing her to Xiao Ping's embrace.

"She's beautiful.." Xiao Ping murmurs while her eyes wandering on to the whole tiny body in mesmerized look. "As beautiful as you," Yu Jin whispers, touching the so tiny fingers softly. "She has your nose and lips," Xiao Ping says, still can't get off of her sight to her newborn daughter.

"What should we name her ?" Yu Jin asks. "You wanted to name her Li Fei. Is it still the same ?"

Xiao Ping shakes her head. "How about we name her... Xing Qi.. ? Xing as a 'lucky' and Qi as a 'jade'.."

"That's sound beautiful," Yu Jin responds. His gaze moves to his daughter. "Bai Xing Qi.. do you like your name ?" he asks the baby while moving her fingers playfully. As if the baby can respond, she smiles brightfully while mumbling a sound. Yu Jin and Xiao Ping look at each other and smile.


Yu Jin turns the television on while Xiao Ping is changing Xing Qi's position so she can breast feeding to Xiao Ping.

"Hey, there's a news about your idol," Yu Jin says as he increases the television sound volume. Xiao Ping turns her head to the television.who is showing a scene where Takeshi Hasegawa is surrounded by reporters. Beside him there is a beautiful famous woman, Miyu Saeki.

"She just said 'yes'," Takeshi says to the reporters with a super excited face. It is just doubled his handsome. The reporters are cheering for him and Miyu. "That's all I wanted to announce you. We will officially announce the date when it is determined later. Thank you for coming, friends. Please wish us a great future ahead," Takeshi adds before together with Miyu Saeki bowing their bodies to the reporters.

"Was I that happy when you said yes to me ?" Yu Jin asks her. Xiao Ping glances at him then chuckles. "You were so happy and silly until I was embarassed," she says half joking.

"But you're glad you didn't turn me down, aren't you ?" Yu Jin asks smugly, as he knows already the answer.

"Oh.. you're confident now. Do you forget how desperate you were telling me you would still tie your knot to me no matter what my answer was ?" Xiao Ping asks him, still teasing.

"I remember. And I'm still serious about it, even up til now," Yu Jin says, again with a low sexy tone while his eyes stares deeply into hers.

"I know.. That's why I accepted you," Xiao Ping replies as intent. Their lips are about to touch when Xing Qi cries, as if she reminds them that she is there. Both of her parents laugh and kiss her instead.

"I'm happy he finally found the perfect woman for him," Xiao Ping says. Yu Jin nods. "Turns out she is right there near him all along," he adds as agreement.

Xiao Ping shifts her gaze to Yu Jin. "Just like you," she says with full of gratitude. "I chased so far for my dream love.. turned out he is right beside me all along," she continues. "Do you regret your journey ?" Yu Jin asks her. Xiao Ping shakes her head. "My journey taught me a lot. It shaped me the way I am today. An most importantly.. it's telling me how much I love you," she says with eyes full of admiration. "I love you and our kids," Yu Jin saya to her. This time, they manage to kiss each other for a second before Xing Qi demanding their attentions again. ^^