The Prisoned Hero

'Magic' is something out of this world, Something that only you can read in fantasy stories,

Something that you can play in video games

' Something that doesn't exist '

The last class session just ended and every student start to pick up they're things to go home, of course i do the same but somewhat different, they are tend to go home with their friends while talking about something interesting stuff, sharing experience,trends that for me is boring. No matter how many times i search,friendship is something that i cannot understand,no matter how many times i read the definition i still can't understand it.

' friendship has it's many different shape,it something that you can easily understand by experiencing it '

that was my little sister said, this question keeps my mind.

Anyway. What is Friendship?

I'm Gabriel Blackstone 18 years old 3rd year highschool,I'm pretty much want to spend my high school life in moderation until college

while walking downstairs my little sister suddenly tug in my arms , yes my little sister Misaki Blackstone, 16 years old, 1st year high i sometimes call her Misa

"Let's go home!"

I just reply a nod, after my reply she release her tugging on me and just hold my hands, well it's not wrong because we're siblings, she always do hold my hand whenever we're going home, but i just find it uncomfortable, not holding hand with her but instead the stares coming from people around us, well if she's happy with it i don't mind having people stare at me painfully

we walk in the same road as always, but as we step in the front of the park, we start to see illusion somewhat like we're falling from the building, my sister start to grab arm hardly but as we fall any further the force start to seperate us, i use my strength to hold her tightly as i can, but she just vanish, i didn't let her go but she somewhat dissapear, i shout her name as i continue to fall but cannot hear anything other than my voice, i just wish this is just a dream.As i close my eyes, i somewhat fall in the ground,yes i can feel it with my hand as i open my eyes saw people surrounding me wearing something a priest would wear. it's probably a priests and one of them is wearing different a middle aged old man wearing something so luxurious and a crown in the top of her head as i stare at them i can feel my body so numb that i can't move any each part of my body

"This is no Hero!"

The Old geezer like priest said as he look down

"Are you saying that you just summoned a devil?!"

the middle aged man said,

"it seems, your highness"

Are they perhaps refering at me?! well they are staring at me, if so how rude! you just say unbelievable things like you summon me but you just called me devil, he looks like a king of a kingdom, like so i care about it.

"the summoning failed, throw this devil in the prison, well have a good use of her later!" the like king said, this is so much that i can take, they didn't even give me explanation, i can't take this anymore...

"I'm guessing your a king.." i spoke

"You are right! lowly peasant, Know your place!"

"You calling yourself a king, but like so, you are no king, first of all judging a person by it's apperance, second i demand a explanation on what's going on but instead calling me a devil and ordering your servants to throw me in the prison, lastly you said i'm just a lowly peasant but it looks like to me that your lowest than a peasent"


"Your the fool one!, i'm not citizen of your so called guessing a kingdom,first of all i have rights to speak, because your not my king, in my own standards i will decide who i will serve or who i will called a king, further more your not suited to be a king because you are no king!!"

Yes,insults bite the king mentally and get seriously injured socially by embarrasement, i don't care what happened next but if i had a chance to search for misa, i would do so..

the king made a mad face

"Soldiers! i order you!!! throw this insolent peasent fool to the dungeon of the Magical beast of Lion's den, the magical beast will be her judge so the dead will serve it as her lesson!!"

As the King orders the soldier drag me out of that summoning room but bought me inside of the underground dungeon, where i can smell the unpleasent smell, best to describe it disgusting.I can only guess it's a smell of the blood,i cannot guess if i'm right because of darkness where only the fire of torch is the only light of the pathway, the soldiers make a stop on the one big den in the front of us, it has big bars and somewhat scary because of darkness inside, the soldier open the den and just throw me away inside, ever since i arrive in this place all i got is rude and rough treatment, well it doesn't matter at all because i'm gonna die here, it's not like i'm not scared of dying it's just i'm scared because i wasn't able to see misa again before my end life, this is rather a painfully dramatic way of thinking.

As i got inside i focusly look inside, and the darkness was enlighten by a big creature with it's glowing fire like and somewhat fluffy fur, a lion that has a fur around it's neck and it has a big fangs i just thought "at least i got to see this somewhat cute and cool creature before my life ends, but if this is a reality it's rather cruel to be kill this way"

The Lion stretch it's big mouth revealing it's big teeth.It won't be painful if i close my eyes right? so i won't be able to see my drenching blood away from me, still my body still numb i wonder why? well it's okay so it won't be painful.As the lion stretch it's mouth that the thought it might swallow me whole, but instead for some reason it went back to sleep, why though? i'm still greatful that it spare me. but i still won't be able to move my body, this is so depressing! it looks like i'm a worm being feed into a big piranha

"Move, my body! did my nerves fail? waahhh!! this is so depressing!" as i spoke my big voice echo through the den

The Lion once again move but this time it's his right paw placing it in the top of my head and my body started feel the ground again and again the lion went back to sleep, i tried to stand but fell and just sitted until the time i get use to it

"Thanks for that Mr Lion"

but nothing answer instead silence itself, i'm a fool for expecting a reply on a creature that doesn't even talking it will be scary it talks though so it's better this way.

the moon rise up and the night time comes in the pathway of the dungeon a foot steps can be hear echoing and it stops in the front of the den

"Ms.Hero , Ms.Hero are you still alive?"

it's a voice a woman i guess she can't see me after all it so dark inside here

"Whoever you are i'm still alive, don't go killing me off"

She's wear maid dress,

"My deepest apology Ms.Hero"

"So What are doing here Ms.Maid, if i hear correctly you call me Hero, Right? What makes you say i'm hero? Your King just call me a devil"

"Every person summoned by ritual summoning is called hero that's no doubt, the king perhaps did judge you because of your apperance because you have Raven-Hair, The People who has raven-hair has a highest capacity of mana and specially when it comes to Holy magic and Black Magic basically you right now is a massive ball of mana, but it is wrong for the magicians to call the hero the devil, knowing that they are the one who summon ms.hero"

"Magicians? those white robes guys?"


i thought they are priest but guess i'm wrong

"tell me your name, and what are you doing here.."

"My name is Maria i work here in the castle as a maid, i just came to check if you are still alive Ms.Hero"

I just said stop killing me off

"Now that i'm alive, feel relieve already"

i also feel relieve myself

"Oh by the way, i bought some bread,i thought that you might be hungry..."

she bought a sack inside it was a piece of bread, well better than nothing i guess...that so thoughtful of her

"this is all i can do, i'm powerless so i want to do what i can do, if so i'd like to free you here"

She thinks that way, while me has a doubt on her

"i'd better get going ms.hero after all i just sneak here"

after that she left, i didn't even have a moment to thanks her again

I Open the sack of bread but i saw the lion and thought "maybe i should also say my thanks with this" i sitted beside

"Hey Mr.Lion want a bread, i know you only eat meat, if so i can offer my arm but i can't do that right besides bread is not bad too, just imagine it like meat as you eat it"

and yet the lion didn't answer, maybe i'm getting crazy now about this magical and summoning stuff, since the lion didn't answer i just leave the bread in front of his face maybe he'll eat it after, yeah, i'm getting crazy why would a carnivorous lion eat bread that doesn't make any sense.

I'm getting tired in this reality, maybe i should go sleep now, i might get miraculously transported back, and yet there's hell no that's happening i can't just leave my sister here alone in this world knowing that their might be foolish people like that king did something bad to my sister, i won't definately forgive such person i might wreck their faces, thinking about it makes my blood boil, this is stressful

"Mr.Lion I'll have my sleep, Goodnight"

Yet as i sleep theirs no response

Lion's Perspective

I'm know as a magical beast Lion in human's i'm most probably 12 years old, i have no name, i will have a name until i became a familliar when the times comes, if i don't have someone to supply me mana i'm going to die,some magician tried to form a contract to me to became they're familliar but i refuse because i evaluate them by reading their thoughts some of them thought "I will become powerful" something like that they just gonna use me and abuse me but i won't let them

A contract to form familliar must be approve by the familliar and the master,if the other party refuse it's not possible to form a contract

as I thought that makes me sleep someone open the cage, are they gonna throw another person here?, well i'm just gonna send them in another beast cage, my neighbor beast looks hungry maybe i'll just gonna send it there

as they open the cage they throw the person inside my cage, it's a young woman she seems paralyzed, what a hopeless person, i'm pretty tired today so i'm gonna send her away immediately

"at least i got to see this somewhat cute and cool creature before my life ends, but if this is a reality it's rather cruel to be kill this way"

Her thought just pop in on me is that possible? i didn't even activate or read her thoughts and... what is she saying!!! cute and cool, usually when i read thoughts it's always "M-Monster!!" somethings like that but this person's thoughts...!!! it's really embarrassing , are you seriously thought about cute and cool magical beast i am?! waaahh i'm just gonna nap and i close my eyes saying to myself "Ignore her,Ignore her,Ignore her!"

"Move, my body! did my nerves fail? waahhh!! this is so depressing!"

Her voice are echoing at this point i won't be able to take a nap, i can't take this anymore! i place my paw in her head to dispel the magic,with that your okay right?!

"Thanks for that Mr Lion"

Sh-She really says embarrassing words! Ignore her!! Until the Night arrives i didn't get a sleep at all i just close my eyes..

As i hear a footsteps, i thought that "are they gonna throw another annoying one?" they better not throw another one here, having another one of this girl is more head aching,please! don't send another one

as i take a peak, it looks like a maid from the castle, maybe she's here for her, it's a great opportunity to take a nap, that's what i thought after several minutes she has a sack of bread

"maybe i should also say my thanks with this"

I wanna say to you that your thoughts are leaking out of you, but...a thanks..i didn't do anything to deserve thanks

"Hey Mr.Lion want a bread, i know you only eat meat, if so i can offer my arm but i can't do that right? besides bread is not bad too, just imagine it like meat as you eat it"

Is this girl idiot?! What do you think of me?! saying that you offer your arm as my food, this girl is crazy!! I can eat but for me mana is all i need...! seriously! But for you to offer a bread to a monster like me...Your a strange one

"Mr.Lion I'll have my sleep, Goodnight"

Finally she sleep...Hmmmn...Maybe just taste testing isn't bad , i swallow the bread and ate it

Taste Okay...Not bad