Battle in Capital

"Eurpharia Battle Competition?"

"Yes, This is a official battle tournament that will be held in the battle stadium of kingdom of eurpharia"

A battle tournament huh... That was interesting but the main priority now was searching for misa, i have no time for the tournament

"And the requirements?"

Leo ask, is she perhaps interested in joining in the tournament? If so she's free to join i will give her permission

"everyone was free to join, even if you are royalty, demon, or elf, there's no restriction"

"And for the winner?"

"For the winners, they said granting one wish"

Granting one wish?! A shortcut

"I'M IN!!! Let's join the tournament"

"Whaa.. Just a while ago you look like not interested on joining, now your burning with determination."

She sigh, seems like her determination decrease, back at you!! you look interested on joining in earlier now your backing out?!

"Well, joining in tournament is a total shortcut"

"What do you mean?" Leo ask

"Well if one of use win, we can just wish for help in searching misa"

"Master...Didn't you just listen on what maria says, she says 'winners' means the winner will not be only one but more, Well it might be shortcut, but it's pretty suspicious if this is a tournament then is it a common sense that there's has to be only one winner and yet, it has to be more than one"

Yeah, but..

"I don't really care if this is a trap or something, like i let this chance slide just like that in my hands, if there is a possible and fastest way in finding my sister i'll take it, even if i have to make a way to hell to get through, beside i'm not someone whose gonna be discourage just from a silly or a small problem, if the winner has to be more than one then, isn't this a perfect chance to join in? You can say a chance to be chosen is more than one"

"Do as you wish, but i'm not joining in, i maybe your familliar but that doesn't change a thing, and also i'm magical beast... Maybe some participants will think that it was completely unfair for them"

I'm your master you know, just by saying 'do as you wish' makes me look like a servant, oh well i probably do look like one, and i can't just force her to join, maybe i'll go join alone

"Well maybe i'll join alone"

"O-Of course we're going to cheer for you in the seats" She said in slightly red, she must be shy

"Please do, with your cheer! I WILL DOMINATE THE STAGE!! WHAHAHA!!!"

'She's totally into it' Leo and Maria thought at that time

"Oh, Ms. Hero, what kind skill will you us in the tournament? Swordmanship or maybe magic?"

"I'll fight with my bare hands"

"Eh?" Leo and Maria was in the total shock on her response just now

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"What do you mean ?! what's wrong?!! that's totally wrong..!! fight bare handed?! Are you trying to suicide?!"

"Even though Ms.Hero is Hero,it's still no good to fight bare handed,there could be strong participants,if you die then..."

Ah,Is she crying? Why? is she perhaps worried? If so she don't need to cry i'm no good in this, Misa use to cry like that...i know to comfort her but maria i just meet her weeks ago and i don't know what kind of person she is, i don't know her very well, so i have no idea how to comfort her.. tears are falling from her eyes, she's sobbing so sudden

"You just make her cry, master that's terrible"

"Eh...P-Please stop crying, it's not like i'm gonna fight just bare handed..Ah..That's right i'm gonna use a type of magic to boost my physical strength,so don't worry"

Yeah, I'm totally panicking i just said that to make her feel better but now that i said that maybe i should try to practice that kind of magic in case i get engaged in combat in the near future, bare hand fighting will prevent me to use massive power,i still i don't know how to control so much excessive power, but i can cast magic depending on how i visualize it, i'll be fine for the time being, Maria just stop crying but the tear in her face ia still visible.

"It's not like i plan to die in that competition, Until i find misa i don't feel like dying after all if i die without seeing her, the feeling guilty and imagining her crying over me is the most awful feeling i would feel...S-So Don't worry i'll be fine"

"You better not...die..."

"Of Course!! I'm hero after all"

I smiled at her and she smiled too

"How Dramatic, For more information master...I can't let you die that easily, y'know...if you die, I die... so i can't let you die...and i know how idiot you are, so please refrain from trouble from now on"

"That was a little harsh..should i break the contract then?"

"Whaa..What are you saying master?! Even so I'll die if you break it..!" she turn slightly red and continue speaking "or y-you don't wanna be with me... because i'm a terrible familliar"

"No...It's actually fun being with you, i don't hate you or anything, the truth is i really like leo, so please stay by my side" i smiled

leo saved my life or more like spare my life,i don't hate her, i came to like her when she said that day, that she ask me if i wanna search for misa, i know she's assisting me the best she can.

"D-D-Don't say embarassing things!!! you leave me no choice, if master wants to then i will.." she said while slightly embarass

"How sweet!"

Maria said, she's listening and staring, that makes it more embarrasing for leo

"Shut Up!!"


that day we start to travel to the capital, and also that day the wanted poster from empire start to pop up in different city we went, in the wanted poster the picture of my armor is illustrated, so right now i can't really use my armor but i still wear the cape that releases the armor, the few days past i practice boosting my physical strength using magic and discover about the cape's power, it was useful, it's name was shapeshifter's cape it has a ability to change it color and apperance depending on what the holder wants as for the circled jewel on it, it possess the ability to limit the magical power of the one who wears it, it's name is nature's emerald. I still don't know how it works well it limits my magical power but it's good thing i have this, the people around me might get overwhelmed just being able to feel my massive magic, there's written in my status about the divine and arcane magic, i actually don't know what are those so i have no idea on how to use it.

after 3 days of journey to go in capital we finally arrived,there's a lot of traffic in the gate, maybe because of the tournament,or merchants who think this is the best day to sell their items, there might be good item can be found in capital, so maybe i'll stroll once i get in, by the way if your wondering where do i get my money, of course i create it using my creation magic...i really like this magic, it's pretty convenient, i can totally live like a shut in, though i don't plan on doing it, i might get a scolding from misa

The Registration is held in front of adventurers guild, i wear the shapeshifter cape, and turn it into black cape with hood, as much as possible i don't wanna expose to myself, i might get in trouble because i'm a girl after all, in this battle tournament female participants is rare, i lined up and get my registration done, leo and maria waited in the plaza i wanna buy some ordinary clothes for the all of us and take a stroll and look a inn to stay, after a few hours of our strolling we found a inn as expected, every inn is packed were lucky to found one but it's for two person only, maria insisted the she would sleep in the floor instead but i said i would just share bed with leo, but leo turn red and got angry, she turn red because she's embarrassed but why she's angry? And so i just sleep in the floor. Well i don't mind sleeping in the floor, i sleep peaceful on that evening, tomorrow will be the announcement of line up of the battles.