Her Name Is Sophie, and yet she's the Demon King

"If i can give you her mana that i sense then you'll be able to find her right?"

"What are you saying?! Is that even possible? if so how? i've never heard someone transfer some mana that they sense.."

"i have some methods maybe it would work"

Magic is more like electricity,in this world the concept of using electricity as daily basis of their need still doesn't exist but they're using magic as their basis,well magic and electricity is different but they maybe somehow similar like how electricity be able to light up bulbs, how people can communicate so far using network,maybe if it is magic it's possible,to connect my mana to hers, to light up a bulb a conductor is needed,metal is the best conductor to electricity,but what's for the magic,how can i send my mana that i sense...the only i can think of magic's conductor is body,well mana comes from our body and converts it to magic that can be use if different ways by casting using incantation

"So then how you gonna do it?" Ange ask

"by hand i guess? Mind if i hold your hand?"

"Wh-What? is there any way?!"

"Anyway,then you don't mind kissing me,if your bother with it then holding hand is still better"

Sophie turn to bright red and went silent while Ange and Leo was looking at me with battling eye, Why? ,they look really pissed off

"T-Then it's holding hands it is"

I held her hand,and she look at me


"Nothing....Don't mind me..Hurry up! and do your job!"

Ahh..She Mad, I transfer my mana just by imagining my mana like a electricity transfering to hers, i can feel a warm mana coming for our hands,when i look at her she look surprise, I can also feel her warm mana after a while i remove my hand in hers, she look at her hands in surprise, Did she feel anything different? Did i perhaps failed?

"It really went in!"

"Is it really? does that mean it's success?"

"I think,i can sense a different mana"

"Then let's go to the business"

She then release some mana and start to say some incantation words, she just release a few mana hers but yet it is scary,in normal person perspective it is like a murderous mana

"Is it Beauchamp residence?"

"This isn't good..." Ange said


"Don't tell me you failed?"

"Of course not,i sense her mana in the Beauchamp residence"

"Isn't it that good that you'll able to sense it.."

"No, not that, theres a rumors that Beauchamp is responsible for harassment around their area" Ange Explain

"And also some noble report that here in castle,but we can't do anything without evidence"

That really isn't good, if the things comes worst that maria is hurt because of them,i might not be able to stop myself from anger and end up losing temper, well i don't mind punching people with or without reason but this people is nobles as much as possible i don't wanna involve myself, i'm thinking this way but i already involve myself in the princess of this kingdom

"We can't act like this,going there without purpose isn't a good way"

Ange thought,that certainly is, we can't just go to the residence saying that we need to search something

"Well, if it comes to this extend... i don't mind giving you a hand"

"Ahh!" Ange reacted,isn't that appropriate act for a princess?

"If it is you sophie you can do it! after all your a demon king!"

Hmm? Did i just hear something unbelievable? or is my ears deceiving me?

"Demon King?"

"Yes, Sophie is a Demon King"

Whaa..i must behave or might get killed

"uuhmm..I-I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier..uhmmm" i bow in panicked

"What's with that crap?! You came here with that attitude,why change all of the sudden"

"But i don't wanna die so early"

"I am not so cruel to do that you know! if so,I-I like how your attitude towards me it is something i called new for a stranger"

"Isn't that enough sweet talks?" leo said,she seems mad to me. Me?i didn't do anything

"Then i'll have you two accompany by sophie"Ange said

"Yes,Thank you very much"

"No.I didn't do anything, Sophie make it possible to find her,you should thank her"

i turn to sophie to said my thanks but i was stop by her

"Spare me your thanks, thank me after we find her and i better get a good payback after this" sophie said while in slightly blush


We made our way to the Beauchamp residence, we are greeted by the servants but i can feel that was a unpleasant greeting, was she because the demon king? even though we are greeted by that manner,sophie the demon king still is calm, we are lead in the luxurious room by the maid,we are ask to wait there until the lord of the house arrive but after a hour of waiting the lord arrive,that was so long!

"Slow!Is this how the noble of this kingdom treat other people,though i was demon,i was a guest of this country" That was rough sophie... was she this so straight forward?

"I Apologize, but you are rather impatient, Demon King-sama" the lord of the house bow but that was i can say a false apologetic way or it was truly intentional

"You don't seem apologetic,Well let's see...let's just say you visits the castle and you have a emergency report but the princess make you wait for 3 hours.Can you still call that impatient?" The lord noble grew silent and suddenly burst in anger

"Don't you dare involve the princess name on this matter" the lord pointed her finger in sophie

"Why not? we are royalties, if so you make me wait that might anger me, i can just kill you for being rude with just the flick of my finger.." and again she silence him

"But i won't do that, because that might cause the princess trouble..Anyway Clark Von Beauchamp we are given a permission by the princess to investigate your residence"

"Yo-You can't do that!"

"Unfortunately i can whenever i want to"

"But What reason do you have to conduct investigation in my residence!!"

"Let's see someone reported a case of kidnapping, and the sensory magic directed it to your house"

"What evidence do you have!! You can't just suddenly burst in saying that you need to investigate"

"Your really a idiot noble..of course we have no evidence, that's why we are going to conduct investigation, or don't say to me that you've been hiding something to us, let's see...like your dark side " the lord went silent again

"We are permitted to do so,even if you stop us, i can just flick you away, even if you complain to princess that won't do good either, if your so persistance...i have the princess conduct it specially for you, Do you want that?"


A man wearing black clothes appear,and attack sophie

Is this another fight?! please!! i want to refrain myself from hurting anyone