The dream I have...

"Welcome back.....


Hope... you... had a long...

self fulfilling.... journey behind... you....


In .....the end,

This is..... what you have...."

Azman was lost, floating amidst the darkness that surrounded him. Mortified, Azman kept screaming, "where the fuck am I?' I was supposed to be..." when suddenly, his voice muffled, struggling to even breath. In the sense of time that felt like decades, Azman could feel himself burning up, slow and steady. In the darkness, he could see a pair of eyes approaching him, glowing with rage, as big as Azman himself. He felt himself gasping for air as his lungs burned out from the inside, trying to survive. The Voice replied,

" Your actions...

their consequences.....

will always....

bring you here....

to me...

Your suffering will never be complete....

You will.... Always.... be...."

Azman listened, horrified... as he kept drifting away into the oblivion. The voice was the only thing in his mind, keeping his sanity.

Memories started to appear before his eyes in the form of flashbacks. Every Moment, went by in front of his eyes, as the eyes drew near to him.

"You..... shall... always..... bear my..... sign.... on your.... self.... my you...continue..... to... live upon....."

As the voice spoke, Azman's chest started to burn. A mark of the Serpent eating its own tail, the "ouroboros" formed on his chest. The scales of the Serpent were indicated with numbers, and as Azman screamed in agony, the Serpent left a dark ominous aura around him, slowly turning into a stream of dark slime, covering Azman's face and eyes, burning him in the process. It felt like to him as molten lava was being poured onto him, as he went on with his muffled screams. The lava entered his throat, into his lungs, covered his stomach, as he started bleeding out the dark lava from every orifice of his body.

The voice spoke to Azman, as he felt his own self fading away in the darkness,

" Azman...



to... meet... me....


Azman felt a small lick against his face, as his eyes struggled to open. His head felt like a thousand swords struck him, though he was perfectly fine. He felt something stand over his head as he tried to move himself. He tried to move it away by slowly and deliberately moving his tired arms to run over his head. The creature moved as it got a push from Azman's hand. Azman slowly inhaled, as fine dust entered his lungs, making it uncomfortable for him to breath. As he started coughing, Azman opened his right eye to analyze where he was. Soon the welcome screen popped over in front of his eyes, with sound running in his ears,

"Welcome, Azman...

it's 03:33 in the morning. Day-56-0333-432014.

Would you like me to set a random day to your next travel?"

Azman slowly opened his left eye, as he kept blabbering underneath his breath,

" please.... for a moment, shut the fuck... sorry.... just be quite.... thank you... JZ..."

"Thank you for noticing your language, Azman...

Will be ready to help whenever required."

"Thanks mate, just go for a 60 second recharge, I'll call you up when help's needed."

"No problem, Azman... see you in a minute"

As JZ closes every application open on Azman's neural network headset, slowly, the helmet packs itself up in the minuscule dot attached under his ear. His face finally comes across the Dusty terrain he has been wandering through for a while, as his eyes meet with the miles of dust and dunes everywhere, with patches of herbs and shrubs born in the most unusual of places.

As his eyes were busy gazing the terrains, he felt something rubbing itself against his leg. As he looked down, he saw a small dinosaur, the size of a puppy's, rub it's back against Azman's feet.

He bent over to touch the skin of the dinosaur, and as he laid gentle fingers across the dinosaur's head, it slowly let out a small squeak from it's mouth, revealing a smile across it's face.

"You're too cute to be a dinosaur.... you're like a puppy...." said Azman as he grabbed the dinosaur with his arms and made it rest into his hand cozying around. The dinosaur slowly licked Azman's hands as it made itself comfortable into his arms, closing it's eyes.


in a fraction of a second, the small dot behind Azman's ears opened up and his neural set opened up in front of him, speaking,

"good to be back from the dead.... Azman..."

Azman looks at the little dinosaur and asks quitely,

"hey... uhhhh .... JZ.... what's this called? details????"

JZ analyzes the beast laying silently in peace in Azman's hand in a moment and replies,

"This 4 armed creature is what is referred to as 'Chaoyangsaurus' and belongs from the pre- ancestry history of "triceratops" and "pentaceratops". As a hybrid, it looks mixed with the rare breed of Golden retrievers, as to be such little friendly beasts.

BMP(Black market price)- between 250,000,000 to 430,000,000 $..

Best to sell- dead

Skin has the most price,


BMP- 600,000,000 $

The body is just thrown away as fodder..."

Azman looks at the tiny creature as it sleeps blissfully in his arms, letting out soft warm breaths.Azman slowly finds a soft corner amongst the patches of shrubs to rest himself.

Looking into it's eyes, he softly kisses it's head, and as the little creature opens his eyes, slowly and steady, to look over at Azman, his face was covered by a barell from the front. The little dinosaur let out a soft moan from it's mouth.


A swift beam of Lazer bullet penetrated the little creature's head as blood and it's gore all splattered across Azman's clothes and neural helmet covering his face.

Azman looked over at the little corpse, now resting in peace, as he slowly placed the body over the little shrubs to cut open it's skin.

In a minute, Azman skinned out the little creature, and called JZ.

""Where would you like to visit?"

Azman thought for a moment, then replied..

"Ohh... yeah... the Devil's Home "

"Welcome to the devil's Home..

Would you like to




Azman shot the shrubs he kept the dinosaur corpse in. The shrubs caught fire, slowly roasting the corpse. Azman says rather calmly while he looks at his gun's muzzle,

"sell... and yeah...

authorization BLTCH...

Highest price...

Name- Chaoyangsaurus...

mixed with a Golden retriever...

final payment via transfer...

Portal open..."

As soon as he finishes his commands, a small Portal opens beside Azman, as he continues to see the corpse of the little dinosaur burn in front of his eyes.

He picks up the skin, then throws the it absent mindedly inside the portal, as he takes out a bottle from his backpack lying across the ground and starts drinking the alcohol stored inside.

As soon as the skin enters the Portal, a message pops up on Azman's screen,

"Payment transferred_ 6000,000,000$...

Total Balance_ 999,576,144,256,333,666$...

Have a good day!!!"

As the message closes on the screen, Azman grabs the burnt corpse of the dinosaur, and proceeds to take a bite, when suddenly, large centipedes appear burrowing from the sand, cornering Azman and his backpack together into a corner. The followed the smell of the burning corpse, and as the centipedes started covering up the dunes, guarding Azman's view from the sky,

Azman takes a large whiff from the bottle,

bites the roasted corpse,

pulls out his gun and shoots the biggest one in the head at his rear end without looking, the other centipedes rattle and slither their way towards him,

as Azman says to himself,


"yessss... a fuckin good day it is..."