Piya accompanies Ansh on the trip

" I dont want to marry " , ansh declares. Everyone is shocked. Vedershree bursts out , " why you don't want to marry huh...? You love Ruby , she loves you back then why not ? Why you dont want to marry her tell me even I want to know ? . We should be thankful to her family that their understood our helplessness , and is willing with this arrangement then what is your problem?

" But mom I am not ready , neither ruby is ready with this arrangement your not only doing injustice to me bir also worh her " , he says. Ruby silently weeps .

" Ansh don't change the topic just speak for yourself " , says mom . Chaitali interrupts , " That's what she is ready to get married , only you have problem dear. She is ready because you scared her to death as well as blackmailed her ". Vedershree becomes angry of her son accusion and says , " Your saying as if she is marrying you only because I told her to. Avinash says , " Sister-in-law is right , ruby loves you , she cares about you " . Ansh says , " She may love me but I--- " he stops right there and sees everyone's shocked expression. Ansh rushes towards ruby and says , " Ruby why dont you say something ?why are you quiet ? ". she replies , " What should I say ansh in front of my eye lemons turned black all the fishes died " . Everyone was silent. " Aunty is right you're in danger sugarlips. I think we should get married . He could not believe as he asks " you also believe what mom told seriously". He sighs and says, " Atleast before bringing your parent you should have at least informed me. ruby doesn't says anything. Vedershree says, "Why are you shouting at her ? Why are you angry with her , she is helping you and your shouting at her ". Aunt says ," This generation has put sacraments in the soil. You can make girlfriend but don't want to get married with her. What is all this huh..? I can understand you may not be comfortable but you're just finding ways so that you can be single ". Ansh why are you not understanding huh... This all happening because Devi ma wants this to happen son. Ansh get married to Ruby after that everything will be at peace.

Ansh couldn't take it anymore and burst out, "Get married Get married....I....dont ...want...to...get...married. I have told this earlier and this the last time I am telling this I dont want to get married. This matters will not be discussed further , nor will there be any arguement . I hope I made myself clear " . Vedershree burst at her son , " Why can't you understand, danger has reached our house. Daayan has entered our lives ". Ruby smirks. " And you're not the only one who is in danger but your family too . Her evil sight is on each one of us " . Ansh takes a deep breath , " Okay...then if you think because of me your lifes are in danger then I will leave the house " and turns to leave . Vedershree feels as if her heart was stabbed she feels tears flowing down from her eyes .Everyone is shocked. Ruby smirk few minutes ago fades. Vedershree screams , "Ansh ..ansh " but is stopped by her husband, " Let him go, he will come back after sometime " . " He went away leaving his mom alone ". Ruby says in her mind, Ansh youbwill have to marry me , no matter how much you deny ". Ruby walks near the patches what Vedershree had made and grabs everyone's attention by , " Aunty.... see... this ...". Everyone is shocked and looks at each other and ruby runs away. After a while the while the , wall is covered with black fingerprints scaring everyone to death. " Bhabhi...look " Chaitali says as she points to their family picture when suddenly the frame brakes followed by black patches on it .


Piya is on a call , " Yes sir . But I didnt get anything suspicious for now ."

on the other side sir says , " Piya why do I feel that you are not wiling to do this job ? ". Sir give me any other job or allow me to spy on someone else but this ansh...is weirdo I mean weird . " If you want to keep this job then , I want this task done but , if you dont want to do it then , tell me now , I will hire someone else" , he says . " No...no..sir I will do job and your tasks too " , after hearing her assurance he feels relief.

After hearing what happened at home , Neha calls ( as she is preparing for college trip in the bus which will leave in a few minutes) ansh and says , " Bro how can you talk in this manner to Badi ma huh..? After you left the house she is continuously crying ".

" I am acting natural , who told mom to call Ruby's parents at home without telling me and started making arrangements then what else should I do ? .

" Bro but she is this for your own good " . "Making someone getting married by force that also in this age is not for any good I believe " , he asks scararstially . "You know what , mom thinks Ruby is my girlfriend so I should get married to her .But I myself can't understand whether I love her. or.. no " .

Neha pursued her but didn't say anything but thinking of possibilities she became excited. "I am the one who is getting , so I want to have a choice. Neha if you have called , to take mom's side then I dont want to talk to you as well" .

No...wait bhai I called you because I and Rishi are worried about you.

Piya and Ansh are so engrossed in talking in their phones they accidentally bump into each other. As piya's hand touched him he realized who he had bump to , as his eye started glowing so he faced his back to her

but piya on the other hand seemed frustrated as she says, " Cant you see and walk " . Piya bends to take her phone but sees the latter in the same position makes her even more angry, " Oh. hello your phone is over here , where are you looking ? He decides not to answer her. She says under her breath but clear enough for him to hear ," how much attitude he has " she shakes her head and grabs both the phone, " Here take your phone" . seeing the frezzed position she sighs , " to take the phone you have to turn ".

But to his suprise she was not at all surprised so he froze again . Piya reaches to touch his hand so that she could leave giving him his phone but he panics and says, " Don't touch me ". which made piya stand in disbelief ansh carefully takes his phone back without touching her and says , " Stay away from me " and goes . Piya stands in disbelief.

Piya is startled as sir calls out " Piya " she hesitates and continues the call , " Piya can you hear me " . She panics , " Yes..sir I mean my phone fell , its because Ansh th-- " cutting her off he asks , " Ansh is there ? ". " Yeah he is going near the college trip bus , maybe he is going to the trip".

" Then what are you doing , go fast follow him , this will be the best way to spy on him". Ansh stops and looks at her he thinks, "Whenever she touches me I can't control myself . Its better that I stay away from her ". Piya makes up and excuse because she can't afford fir the trip , " Sir I didn't do the booking also ".

" You don't worry about that I will handle it you just go " and hangs ups she stands over there and thinks I am doing only for my mom so what if i have to follow this weirdo , i will do it and she goes towards the bus.

Rathod house

Everything should be clean I don't want any Mark's left , " says Shekhar.

Vedershree says , " my son is not bad ruby , he just gets angry easily. Please forgive me dear , he was angry with me but she blamed you for all this ".

Ruby's assures , " Its okay aunty. I know him very well he his very short tempered. Slowly , slowly he will understand your concern and will agree for this marriage".

" If he does what I say then only it will be beneficial " , Vedershree says. " okay then aunty I must leave now my mom and dad are waiting for me ", ruby says .

" Okay take of yourself " , she says . "Yes aunty I will "

" This boy his anger lies in his nose , I don't know when he will be back home ". Kajal says , " Mom neha called just now she told that Bro is going on college trip with Rishi and Neha. Ruby hears the news as she walks out of the house.

Vedershree says, " Well that's good atleast I can ask them how is ansh. this ansh when will he become mature ". Kajal assures , "mom everything will be fine " .


Neha smiles widely, " Good bhai you came never mind what you said earlier but if you have come atleast light up your mood . Bro trust me this will be your best college trip " as she throws the ball at him he catches and says , " Best huh ? " has returns the ball back.

Neha feels irritated and says , " Bro I you are not in a good mood but why are you spoiling others too , when your mood will be fine tell me " she goes and sits with rishi.

piya enters the bus and wonders where to sit she sees ansh and decides to sit with him but as she sees a boy approaching to sit she throws her bag on the seat and says , " this is my seat " . Ansh helplessly sighs.

Piya sits and stares at him and says , " Hii " . Ansh simply turns to look at her and then sees the view outside. Piya without losing hope ,

" Hello "

no response

" Hello "

no response

" namaste "

no response

" If someone says hi or hello you should respond back it's called manners in English and shistachar in hindi ". He looks at her and again turns. She sighs and asks , " why are you so weird ". He looks at her , she raises her eyebrows, he says , " are you not weird ". "What do youn mean by that " , she couldn't understand what he said.

" Who wears earring in one ear ? " .

" Oh hello that's my mom's last gift "she says . Suddenly everyone stops singing and looks at roof as if something might happen but when nothing happened everyone continues. But that something was none other than Daayan ruby .