Vedershree remains horrified

Ruby hides her nails behind her back . Vedershree pours rice on her head as a part of ritual . Ruby tries to control herself and says ' I cant beat this tilak , what to do ? '

{ Tilak is usually a mark between the space of the two eyebrows. In Hinduism it's very common to be applied when visited a temple or on an auspicious day }

Mohana has given ruby a locket through which she can see what is happening around ruby also only ruby can hear what she says.

Mohana says, " I know this is difficult but you have to remain calm and can't show your real face. You have to bear this for our plan to succeed. Let whatever happens don't let anyone know your identity.

In engagement ceremony , Ansh looks at sad Piya .

She is wearing a cute blue one piece which fitted her body well , she was sad but there was a small smile on her face .

Ansh and Ruby were wearing yellow as they are also going to have haldi ceremony . In fact all the family members and guests were in shades of yellow , leaving Piya in blue alone . Piya should have felt awkward but she felt no other feeling is important than , seeing the person whom she has a feeling is with someone else . Though , she is not sure what is going on between Ansh and her but she knows now nothing will happen.

As the music starts all of them present started dancing. Ansh and Ruby were sitting on a couch happily . Piya stands like a statue on her foot until Kajal comes and asks her to dance . Initially she wanted to refuse but she excepted her request because she only has one friend from college who talks to her lovingly .

Ruby sees that ansh is paying on the dance floor and wipes tilak and thinks ' now we will exchange rings soon , I have waited a lot for this moment . Now nothing can stop me from becoming Ansh's wife .

Ruby see everyone and smiles widely soon her smile fades as her hair starys turning white , she panics ' Vedershree put tulsi and tilak on my hair and its affecting me , I am coming in my real form. If someone sees my hair my plan is doomed. Ansh looks at her and smiles she hides her panic and returns back .

She covers head with dupatta so that no one sees her hair .

Ansh looks at her asks , what happened? Why did you put dupatta ? .

Ruby says , " All our elders are hear along with the guests so I wanted to show some respect .Ansh thinks ' it's too much but if she is happy then fine ' and gives up .

Neha and Rishi pulls Ansh and Ruby to the dance floor . Ruby is tensed. While Piya already excused herself to the corner and is observing from there .

Shekhar says to Vedershree , " Are you happy now ? She sees Ansh and Ruby dancing and nods as her eyes moistens . Shekhar makes her eat sweets and she gives him , seeing their love Chaitali and Avinash while he smiles naughtly . Shekhar says , " You always think of your son , take some time to think about me too " licking her earlobe .

Vedershree face turns red and looks around and says , "Behave yourself we are in the engagement ceremony of our son there are so many people around including our kids ".

" So what ? I married you years ago and I have the right to do anything with my wife anywhere , its written in my marriage certificate " , he said stating a fact .

" If you say or do anything that will make me embarrass your are sleeping on the couch for a month " , she said as a warning. He made a sad face but didn't utter a word.

Ansh and his cousins chuckled softly so that his mom doesn't hear. The kids knew how their dad and uncle would fulfill their wives wishes , how they become scared , their love as they've been seeing from their childhood

Ruby sees her hair becoming white and leaves from there as soon as she gets a chance . She goes to first floor and hides in a room .Piya sees her going and thinks ' why did she go like that ? '

Ruby sees her hair turning white and says , " I have to make them black again " .

Piya turns and Ansh looks at each other , they get tensed and look away. The short span where their eyes met made her heart flutter ansh felt the same thing but didn't bother. Ansh holds his wrist tight as Piya goes to the other side. Neha sees this but is helpless and prays ' God please don't make two lovers apart ' .

Vedershree says to Chaital , " I think we should start engagement , you bring Ansh and Ruby I will ask the pandit ji " she looks around and asks , " Sister-in-law ansh is here but where is Ruby ? " .

Vedershree asks Ansh and his cousins , " We don't know " in unison .

Vedershree asks Piya , " Child did you see Ruby ? "

Piya says , " Yes aunt I saw her , she was going to first floor " . Vedershree climbs the stairs not knowing what's waiting for her.

In room , Ruby starts searching and makes the room worse . She finds kajal and thinks ' I will use my powers to create black cloud with this kajal and then my hair will become black".

She created black cloud and is trying to turn her white hair black but Vedershree enters and is stunned , she sees Ruby's white hair and long nails , she sees her Daayan form.

Ruby thinks ' she saw me , I have no other option but to trap her. She throws her powers at Vedershree and makes her dizzy. She takes black ink from her cloud and does her remaining work.

In party , Ansh asks , " Aunt did you see mom ? " .

" Even I am looking for Sister-in-law , she was looking for ruby now I can't find her .

Ansh says , " We will find her " . Ansh asks , "Did you see Sister-in-law Kajal ? " . She replies , " no " .

Piya says , " I saw her going to the first floor . Everyone gets scattered as there are many rooms . Avinash comes outside room and is surprised to see the door locked and asks "Sister are you inside ? soon everyone comes and asks her to open the door.

Inside room , Vedershree is looking at Ruby in daze. Avinash starts breaking door . Ruby makes her hair black . Avinash and others come inside room. Everyone felt relieved seeing them but confuse . Ruby is holding her head while Vedershree is bringing her from washroom .

Ansh asks worriedly , " mom are you fine ? "

Vedershree says , " Yeah... why ?"

" Vedershree you were not there so we got worried " , Shekhar says. she thinks but before she speaks

Ruby says , " I was not feeling well so she brought me to bathroom right aunty ?

" Yeah that's right " , still thinking

Ansh asks , " That's ok . But why were you not opening the door " .

" That's because we didn't hear you guys knocking we were in the washroom " , says Ruby .

" Yeah we were inside how will we open the door " , she says supporting ruby but still confused in her thoughts . Ruby smiles slightly. Piya too enters along with the family members and feels that makes sense and all of them comes back to the party.

In party, Vedershree tells priest , " Before we could reach Ansh had put foot in witch circle , I don't know how , the ground started cracking as if pulling my son inside but thank god I could save him with devi chunri but I am tensed. Nothing will happen to him huh ? " .

Priest says , " As long as the girl with devi's mark is in his life then he is safe believe her " .

Vedershree says , " You were right we are lucky that she came in our lives herself. With God's grace she came in the right time ".

Piya comes behind her but the latter is busy seeing ruby . Ansh asks his servant , " Please keep this bag in Ruby's car "

He turns passingby and his hand touches Piya's hand , they both feel that their heartbeat turned fast , as if the time had stop it was , as if the heart will explode from the ribcage a feeling whenever they are close to each other.

Ansh says , " Piya are you fine ? " while looking at her back which is fixed like a rock Piya turns glares at him without saying anything .