Vedershree , Mohana are happy

Rathod House

Neha gets up early in the morning though it's a Sunday to excute her plan so she decides to visit the temple.

After having breakfast Ansh's mom and dad goes to guest room where Ruby and her parents are staying to give the bridal dress . Shekhar says , " This is for the bride . Ruby's father says , " All parents want huge celebrations on their kids' wedding . But things are happening so abruptly. We are glad she has in laws like you.

Vedershree says , " we can have haldi and mehndi today if you agree " .

Ruby says , " Aunty mom was saying why to do haldi and mehndi lets do the wedding directly " .

Vedashree says , " I know we want the wedding to be done as soon as possible, but we won't do it in haste we will do all the rituals. A bride has to put on mehndi in her hands and legs its auspicious " .

Ruby thinks ' if they see my feet everything would ruin. After discussing a few things with her parents they leave.

Ruby says to her fake parents , " Why did you have to agree to mehndi.

He says , " it wasn't our mistake. They were urging " . She says shut up.

Nishant calls Piya and says, " I heard Ansh and Ruby are getting engaged .

she says , "yes " .with a blank expression.

He says , " Stay there and keep an eye on Ansh . Find out why is it happening so urgently ". Actually Piya is in Rathod house because Kajal had asked her to come she sees Ruby'sparents begging to her . Ruby throttles them. Piya is dazed.

Nishant says , " You have to stay there. There is something wrong " . She says , " You are right. There is something wrong" .

" Be Careful and inform me " , he warns.


Neha reaches the temple and sees the pandit ji.She prays to god then goes to the pandit.

" Child did you bring ansh's birth card ? " , he asks.

" No , aunt didn't tell me about it "

" She might have not checked her phone , actually I messaged her , as I had a maha pooja to attend , its nothing serious since it's a wedding so I wanted to check "

" Ok . I will tell her "

" Looks like you wanted to talk something else"

She hesitates but asks straightforward, " Why do you think she is the perfect girl for my brother "

" As you know She is devik and ansh has to marry a devik , so that no evil and control him"

" But do you really think she is devik ? "

" You have a doubt ? Then I will check it "

" Actually whenever Ruby is around brother acts weirdly and he is acting strangly "

" Child you don't worry I will check through this matter. You ask Vedershree ji to give me the birth card "

" Ok but can you keep this talk a secret please I don't want aunt to worry " pandit ji nods in agreement. she continues, " I will take my leave then " he thinks since Neha has a doubt I have to check properly she is a smart kid and is very alert about surrounding.


Baa hears a kid crying . She says , " who is it?"

She opens the door and says , " who is it ? Who is crying ? " She comes in. Mohana pulls her in her circle. Baa says , " leave me " . Mohana shoves her. Baa says , " leave me ".

Mohana says , " Tell me how to get out of here .

Baa says , " I will die but will not tell you " .

Mohana smirks , " Then die " . She touches Baa's necklace and falls back down because its Holy necklace.

Mohana says , " This can't happen . No one can be safe from me. I am very powerful " .

She says , " Are you a devik ? This locket... ..This pendant..

. How do you know her ? Baa is confused, "This locket has my Piya's picture . Is my Piya devik ? " Baa smiles happily .

Baa runs from there . Mohana says , " Hey you stop " . Baa comes out and she says , " That means Piya is the devik they are looking for ".

Mohana says , " If the Rathod's get to know Piya is devik and not Ruby , I won't be able to get out of here .

Kajal and Piya goes to shopping. Kajal asks Piya to accompany her because Neha is busy with something. Piya again couldn't resist her friend and agrees. Kajal also buys her a gift saying this is for haldi and mehndi ceremony. She is on a mission today keep an eye on ansh as professor Nishant told her so she accepts.

Piya wears a baby pink lahenga (a full ankle-length skirt worn by Indian women, usually on formal or ceremonial occasions ) . She struggles to ties but couldn't , so she covers with her dupatta and goes to Kajal's room . To her room one have to go through the corridor and in between a big balcony lies . Suddenly due to the breeze her Dupatta flies. ( Dupatta - length of material worn arranged in two folds over the chest and thrown back around the shoulders, typically with a salwar kameez, by women from South Asia. )

Ansh who is busy in the phone is covered with the dupatta . Ansh removes it and finds Piya in front of him he keeps staring at her. He is mesmerized by her beauty though there is light makeup it suited her he sees her struggling . Piya couldn't believe that the person who she had to stay way was the one making her heart flutter. He quickly turns her making her back face him , he lifts his hand and ties her blouse and drapes her duppatta. He supress his urge to kiss her back .

Piya panics though she felt nice , " What are you doing ? let me go ". Ansh shoves her.

He says , " Go then . Who stopped you ? Get lost " . He leaves. Piya is dazed ' what was that why.. why... whenever he is around me why I fell lost why.... tears start flowing .

Ansh comes in the hall . He looks at Piya. Piya looks at her arm that Ansh held and goes away. Ansh looks at her he feels that what is that feeling whenever I am with ruby why do I feel suffocated. Ruby comes and sits with him. Vedashree says , " it's my son's wedding why wont I dance and celebrate " . she dances. Shekhar says , " Baby don't dance to much otherwise you will feel tired in the bed" . She glares at her husband indicating to stop.


Mohana says , " This is my son's wedding I will dance. So what if I am trapped " .


Kajal and Neha join Vedashree. Ruby says , " I have to see to it that no one should see my feet but what will I do if they see " .

Ruby sees everyone dancing , she is nervous and says , " i have to do something" .