Vedershree is stoned

Mohona try to convince ansh to have kheer made by her. At dining table Vedashree purposefully drop kheer bowl ? and chaitali say , " sorry it was by mistake , sister you shall make kheer again " .

Mohona calmly say , " no problem , I kept kheer aside for him " . Everyone panic and Mohona bring and try to feed ansh but vedashree stop her saying , " he already eat much , his stmoch will get upset ". Trying best to avoid him from eating but mohona says , "It was made by a mother's love " , ansh see vedashree , mohona feeds kheer.

Mohona and Ruby smileb? and rest in shocked ?. Mohona say , " Ansh is my son and he shall become davansh "

Vedshree is shown ploughing some banyan tree? as she recalls listening to mohona and ruby saying that tomorrow she will make kheer for ansh and shall feed him , so that he become most powerful. She further says , " if kheer is dropped at root of that banayan tree ? , kheer will not work.

In present vedashee is doing same thing .

" mohona is cunning , be careful as you are unwell too , says Chaitali. But vedashree say , " mother power is more powerful than daayan ".

Ansh is shown driving and he get restless , when he come out he start to grow and grow in size more than building and wonder ' what's happening ? '.

Ruby and mohona watch him from the balcony and gets happy. On other side vedashree drop kheer and bowl inside root of that tree and start covering it with goddess prayer . Ansh size get normal and he wonder 'what happened suddenly ' .He feels weird.

Ansh get call from vedashree and say , " I will be there soon ".

Ruby and mohona wonder ' how it happened as only two of us knew that if kheer is dropped at root of that tree? impact will not work , untill Vedashree heard our talk and see chaitali talking to vedashri on her phone.

Chaitali happily tell how they heard Mohona and Ruby talk and saved Ansh. Ruby and Mohona interupt her and ask , " Give our hair back " . She try to act innocent but Mohona slap her using her hair and Chaitali give their hair back and get terified.

Vedashri sees the tree going underground and try to relex but it again start growing and she get terrified and see mohona behind her.

Mohona say , " You are so much scared of me , then why do you try to fight with me ".

" You are always jealous of me as I was the first child of our mother with powers and you are just normal human being without powers that's why you never told anyone that we are sisters. I always forgive you as you are my sister but not today. Remember we use to play statue - statue , so statue . Vedershree my dear sister you are stonned , like you had made me for 18 years" and leaves.

Vedashree start to turn into stone and ansh arrives as she called him. Ansh reaches to her and she say , " bring devik " and turn into stone completely.

" wake up please " , he shouts.He cries.

Rathod House

Shehkar and Avinash take box of stone but box fall from their hand and they pick stone using handkercheif . Rishi, Neha and kajal comes back early back , they get shocked seeing them but they cook up story and leave. Rishi, Neha, Kajal get confused over family member weird behaviour.


Piya see her parents photo and cry saying , " I am a loser, who isn't able to find mother and even unable to tell father Nishant that I am his gudiya piya " . She touch guru maa head and says , " I was even was not able to take care of you " and her devik nishan glow. She recalls her childhood memories and cry out her heart content.

Naman's Room

He is very happy to get married to Piya. He had fancied her since childhood when she started living here but couldn't tell her because she always treated him as a good friend. Naman always was fascinated by her beauty. He works in a company , Rathod Industries and is in a very good post.

The day he returned to work she hugged him he taught the hug was for him but the moment she said that his mom was ill he felt sad not because his mom was not well but because her hug was not meant for him . So he decided to trick her to marry him.