A Disguise

[Rathod House ]

Ansh brings Piya home all the family members were having breakfast after the events that took place in the house.

" Ansh I had faith that you would bring Piya back safely " , says Vedershree happily hugging both of them.

" Piya don't go anywhere now you can stay with us my child ". Hearing this Mohana was unhappy but the rest of them were overjoyed.

Ansh was in a good mood but looking around things were broken and scattered he asks " Why all things are broken? what happened? "

Everyone becomes tensed , Vedsheree recalls Naman attacking them, she looks at Mohana who is tensed as well .

Looking at everyone and receiving a nod from her husband to go ahead Vedsheree tells everything to Ansh , " Ansh I know we should wait till you come but we asked Ruby to get out of here and don't come back".

After hearing what Ruby did Ansh was furious but took a deep breath he says , " Mom you did right thing , she hurt my family and for me family comes first. After all I didn't see her as my family she was just a friend but now there is no need for that too but I will take care of the matter ".

" Bhai now let me tell you something you don't know yet you should have seen that scene aunt shot bullets like a hero " explains by mimicking Bang Bang " Then weak aunt Mohana regained her power and took care of that dumb and stupid Naman. Big mom was like a movie hero " .

Ansh thanks Vedsheree as he knows even though his mom doesn't likes Mohana she only saved her because of him.

" I am sorry aunt Mohana as you warned me there was danger in every steps I took but sorry I didn't believe you". Mohana pat his head as she could see due to this incident she made a place in his heart.

"Son how did you escape then ?"

" Piya killed the chudail ".

" I had to kill her otherwise she would have killed me instead , I killed her using my knife" , says Piya. Rest of the family were happy as they safely escaped but Mohana gives a thoughtful expression saying Dilruba can't die from a mere knife something is missing here.

Both Ansh and Piya are asked to rest.

" Piyaaa.. " Ansh stops her ," Are you fine? "

"Yes . Do you want to ask something else?".

"That , I don't know if our misunderstandings are cleared yet or not but I will help you to find your Mom. We will surely find her, he moves towards her to tuck her hair by closing the distance between them but Mohana comes there and glares at Piya.

" Ansh go find Kajal she looking for you". he nods and says, "If you need anything don't hesitate ,

let me know". When she also turns to leave Mohana stops Piya, "Wait! Tell me how did you kill a chudail ?"

" I am a devik( The one who has blessing of goddess Durga), I killed her".

"Huh ! That chudail is powerful, how could you just kill her?

" Are you really worried about my powers? do you want me to show you how I killed her.. HAAAA...., she laughs like Dilruba and leaves.

"I knew it".

Fake Piya sees a basket full of tamraid kept on the table and starts eating them hungrily. She keeps collecting tamraid thrown on floor. Mohana comes out of her hiding , "I knew chudail can't be killed by a knife also tamraid is chudail's weakness , how are you Dilruba ?" She throws Piya from the balcony and turns to leave but Piya rises in sky and laughs at her. Dilruba takes her real form.


Ansh's Room

"Mom Piya doesn't trust me"

"Oh come on you can't accept a girl to trust you so easily when you hurt her , give her sometime and keep trying also make her your wife soon I can't wait to bring her to this house officially though she is staying her for now she will--- .

"MOM , calm down she doesn't loves me yet I can't marry her also, she is finding her mother.

"Ok. What about you? do you like her? Do you love her already?

"Mom she has to like me first "

"Yipeee my son is in love yes".


"What mom go talk to her if you can't control " seeing her son blusing she walk away to not embarse him anymore.

## Somewhere else

Guru maa just finished her pooja , Naman comes and cries. She ignores him completely he understands crying won't melt her so he apologizes.

"I am sorry, I am really sorry see look at me I have got punished by that, witch she made me an old man at my young age. Maa please help me".

"She really made a mistake , she should have just killed you , atleast I could be at peace a useless piece of my self doesn't exist in this world anymore. I still can't believe how come you are my son. You didn't think twice before telling this blind women is not your mother and now you are in this state want my help. Get lost from here this temple will lose it's holiness if you are here, Get lost".

"Mom I am truly sorry Ok , only you can tell me how to get my age back, just help me this once"

I won't tell, now get out , oh since you won't leave I will " she leaves.

Naman thinks This stupid old lady I am her son still she threw me out. Since she won't say anything I have to find someone else who can help me to return to my young age.


[Office ]

Nishant sees water on floor and says , " How can there be water here? what is happening with me? First I saw river and now water here, he touches water and sees his hand getting wet, he says I am not imagining it, what is happening with me? who is doing it?

Nishant looks around in his room but there is nothing . He sees water spilling from a rack nearly as if tap has been left open .

Nishant looks at Divya's photo and says fate is trying to tell me something but what? I can't understand anything ahh it's so frustrating and drops things here and there.

He sees water spilling from a box, he opens it and finds newspaper in which Divya's photo is shown. He says, "Means Divya is alive?", he rushes to find Saavi.

"Saavi you--"

"Dad why are you running here the whole college is stunned and here take drink some water"

"Hey! What do you think I am so old huh " but gulps water quietly as he ran like a mad man for sometime the whole college was wondering what happened to their professor but he couldn't think of anything as he still had to give good news to his daughter.

"Your mother Divya is alive. My wife is still alive"

"What ?"

"No, questions first read this ", he shows her news paper and says ," I found it in the office, I think she is trying to tell me something, maybe she knows that we are with Piya now, about me seeing water everywhere? I think it's related to her". They see water spilling from a file. He opens it and says , "we have a way to listen to her ".