10 years back in time

"where have you been?"

"Anna, shuu don't make a sound " Miya make a gesture to keep silent to her sister Anna. Anna yawned and nodded.

"okay go to your room lets talk tomorrow..." Miya whispered in the ear of anna.

Anna went to her room in the sleepy body so she doesn't even notice that she has broken the handle of her door. she closed her room but the handle of her door was in the ground.

'hehehe~~~~~~what a weird sister', Miya also went to her room according to her memories of this body. Her room was on the second floor. She still couldn't believe that she has time travel and not only that she has become a high school student" hurrrryyyyy...." Miya happily shouts in loud voice.


"yaaaaa... sorry sorry ....hehehe I became too much excited....of my new life," Miya said in a small voice.

"haaaa!... I have come 10 years back in time, the year I died was 2029 and the year today is 2019. I was 26 years old and now I am 16 years old....' Miya sighed heavily." whatever.... it can't be helped. I just have to try to live my life as normal as possible but I can't believe if I am here now in this body then what about my body...is this body's soul has occupied mine or...nahhh I will find out sooner or later"

Miya has a good personality, even though she was a daughter of underworld king but her father had always taught her to be a wise person and a good-hearted person but the person who betrayed her must receive the worst punishment because to build the love between other it doesn't take a long time but a person who was hurt in his/her heart only carry evil emotion. she doesn't want to carry evil emotion so she has vowed herself that she will never be in love and the cause it will only start the evil emotion.

The time has come to start the new life, Miya wakes up early because of the nature of this body.' hmmm, how much has this body endured...?'. Miya went to the kitchen to ready the meal for her mother and sister.

"hmmm .....~~~ how sweet smell..... it looks delicious sister" Anna come in her school uniform she is going to attend her second year of middle school so that's mean she is 2 years small than Miya.

"come .....come ...anna have a taste of my creation" pulling Anna and make her sit on the chair. when Anna entered in kitchen Miya has already made all preparation to make a good impression on her new family. they don't know that Miya wasn't their real family but Miya doesn't want them to know that because she was a single daughter and her mother was already died while she was young so obliviously she will be happy.

A not long time from Anna entry, the body mother that means her new mother also entered in kitchen." mother come ....sit here" Miya again pull her mother to sit near her seat. Miya put many foods near her mother and smile widely.

"Miya what happened to you.... ?" mother ferya asked her daughter, Miya. she couldn't help so she asked her daughter for being weird today.

"yes... sister why are you weird today....not only you look another person but you look fresh and good mood" Anna also asked Miya. her sisters cooking was so-so but her meal today is delicious as found in restaurant.

huh....' another person' that 2 words make her soul out of her body though it really not happened real that makes her face pale like a ghost." hehehe.....what are you saying anna....? ..... I just in good mood plus I am going to be a high school student from today.... so i ....i ...just wanted you two to make surprised that...(looking here and there 'ting' food) yesss...yeah food. I wanted both to taste the cooking technique that I have learned in my part-time jobs..... so enjoy I have made a lot today" laughing loudly and also make both them to laugh with her.

Seeing her daughter like past she didn't suspect her more and enjoy her meal.

' haaffuuu that was closed...' Miya secretly sighed but she doesn't notice the pair of eyes was looking her secretly.

The big gate of her new life, though it is the gate of her high school. she couldn't think it as a normal gate but her new journey life's gate.

"Hmm I have to do my best to be a normal no more fight, no more nervous." indeed she can fight because her father is king and his daughter obliviously is a princess.

Don't you know quotes" It's almost an impossible task to separate fathers from their daughters, that bond is something mysteriously awesome and it can only be made from heaven." so just like a father, his daughter will be a copy of his image.

Miya was so much happy that when she took her steps forward, she doesn't notice there was a man in front of her. she clashed with the man " ouch sorry~~~" Miya looked at the man and dumbfounded from his beauty.

Jin also has come to school but he didn't enter there. He has stood in front of the school gate for more than 30 min. His eyes were on the school build for too long so he doesn't notice that someone has clashed with him. just when he heard a voice from his back then he turned to look at the small child, yes child Jin has thought Miya as a child.

"what a middle-grade student is doing here?" Jin cooly said her.

" huh!!! you.... you .. did you just said I am a middle-grade student....? how dare you ...? you are middle-grade student, your whole family are middle-grade students humph... jerk"

Miya was admiring his beauty but the jerk even appreciate about that and said her middle-grade student....' served him right', cursing Jin in her head Miya entered the school.

Jin was prising himself that he has just said right direction to a middle-grade student but when he heard her cursing him and not only that she also called him a jerk. He was really surprised by her. Not in his whole life of 18 years, no has dared to talk with him like that like her. He lifts his blow and smile

' i think this year will be a more fun....right little bunny?'. Jin also entered in school.

The moment Miya entered her classroom, everyone was talking about something. she chose the last bench beside the window. She looked around but still, no one comes to talk with her so saying a proved to herself"There's no time like the present." so she takes courage to talk with a girl near her bench." umm hi ... I am Miya can you tell me something about the conversation between them " Miya finally asked the things which she wanted to ask.

"Ohh .... I am Lisa ... they are talking about the most handsome princes of our school...." Lisa friendly replied to Miya.

" huh? .... princes?" Miya made a confused face and again asked Lisa " who are the princes.? ahh not that are really there princes in our school?" Her question attracted the attention of all the student of the class, even the boys were looking at her as a fool.

Lisa was in shocked," don't tell me you don't know about our schools' princes?"

They all thought that,' how can that possible? our princes were very famous. and the person who has just said she doesn't know then she can only be a fool or she wants to be noticed from their princes, yes that should be the truth'. but they all became dumbfounded after listening Miya's answered,

" Um, I didn't know about them. who are them ? can you tell me ?" Miya replied with a sweet smile.

Seeing her innocent face all sighed at the same time,' ayyyaa did I just said something wrong?' Miya was feeling wrong because she has never attended any school as lily so.... she doesn't know what to say and not to say.

" uh.... listening there are seven princes in this Hilary high school. all of them are handsome and most of all first-year students are attend this school because of them ...if you are not one of us then why did you join this school?"Lisa said, Miya. she was also can't believe that a student in the first year come to attend this school not because of the prince but for other reason.

"Ohh that I have got a full scholarship so I joined this school," Miya said them in honestly.

There was not even a hole in her sentences, so all believed her,' how can a person be so honest...cute ..... she is cute.....' Maya doesn't know that her honest will make them all love her...

" ahh what were your name and year?"

" My name is Miya and I am 16 years old." Miya again said honestly..... knowing her innocent answered again made all students fall for her more. 'They have to protect this little sister of them' all made their mind to protect her from this dirty world.....but they forget that they also belong to this dirty world...hahaha

" from now you are our little sister. we will protect you from jerks" a boy stands up and said those word which was in the mind of others.

" yes.... you are our sister from this day " everyone agreed with making Miya as their sister.

Miya blanks out for a mins 'what the thing has come from this stipud mouth that all student in the class was fried up...' now also she can't find out the reason for this fried up caused 'normal life is hard to live...' Miya can only shake her head.....