APPROACH from princes?

Miya's normal life went normal for some days, she forgot silent for now brings the storm in future.

These days of the normal life of Miya, Jin followed her like a puppy. Miya looked for Denial but she can't find him.

"why are you following me?" Miya turned to look at the face of Jin.

"why, can't I walk in the same ways ? is this road owned by you?" jun brunt of his word.

"no, but you keep walking behind me. if you are going to walk in the same way then go forward, do you dare? " Miya directly said. Truly she was irritated by jin.

"Humph, who do you think you are? think I can't dare to go forward than you." Jin walked a few steps ahead than Miya and stop.

"ouch....why did you stop?" Miya also walked after jin take steps but didn't know that jin has stopped.

"what do you want....?" Miya can't take more... she was ready to knock him down but amazed by Jin words.

"I want you to be my friend," Jin said to Miya. though the time he was saying those word, he was calm and cool but his ear betrayed him. there was a little bit of red colour in his ears which was showing that he was embarrassed to say.

"haaaah....haaa!!!! what did you say? can you say once more, my ear is not properly working." Miya teased him. she clearly heard him saying about becoming a friend but this guy has disturbed her for many days so she wants him to taste some teasing.

" want to be or not?" Jin was embarrassed so....he can't say further.

"okay okay.... I will be your friend. " Miya agreed in last.

Like that they are now friends. Miya got to know that the people she has met until now are the seven princes.

Heck with this princes, Miya was in depressions.' why this is happening?'.

Miya was mad.oh!it not because Miya know about princes but their sudden approach on her. 'APPROACH from prince'.Miya faint on the spot.

this all the approach thing happened like this,

"heh~~~so you are the girl who was with are just like the denial said.

"Ummm, I decided from now you are my girl" dave happily said.

Miya scanned dave body from head to toe and smirk.

Dave also followed Miya's eyes. He also looked at his own body,' is my body that's good... hehehe I am very handsome ', poor Dave he was complimenting himself so he was in his daydream and doesn't get time when Miya kicked him in the middle of his legs and said "you are more girly for you to be my bye girly boy."

Dave could only watch her going far and cover his hands on the part where Miya kicked.

That was First Approach from Dave prince, known as a playboy And a man with a lot of girls.

"oh fan girl from that time " waving his hand Rain ran towards Miya.

"huh, fangirl...don't you have mistaken me? I am not a fangirl." Miya said that but still greeted him

Rain liked this straightforwardness of Miya. this is the first time that a girl doesn't like him from his looks and also looked at him in his eyes straight like she does.

An eager to make this girl in front of him, raise in his he followed his instinct, "little cute bunny, be my girl "

"ha! do you think that saying a sweet word to me can make me your girl?dream on..... and bye..... " Miya ignored him after that.'umm I was right to choose you' Rain nodded.

Second approach from sweet in word but cold in nature prince Rain.

"little girl I can smell sweet flavour from you, you are my girl from today" Ace touched his hair and make a sexy pose to seduced Miya.

Miya knitted her eyebrows and smile at Ace. She lifts her leg and kicks Ace in his thigh. Ace's leg got weak and bent down. Miya catches the collar of Ace and gives him a hard punch on his beautiful chin. She patted her clothes to get off the dirt from her clothes and turned away.

Ace didn't really think that Miya will kick and punch him that hard. Before he knew what was going on he was already on the branch of a tree. He was about to climb down but the branch broke off and Ace was in the ground."ouch~~~~.....this is not good how can she be so cool"

The third approach from a sexy prince, Ace.

"'s your day?"

'haaa thank God someone asks me a normal question.....'" oh it was good and how~~~?"..Miya was going to ask the same question but the word stuck on her lips...

"what do you need?".

" hee...that so mean, can't you answer of my normal question" this voice is none other than jin's.

"let's go on our first date, you are now my girlfriend.....yaaahh I mean friend which is don't make that face." jin was saying girlfriend but see the weird expression on Miya, he changes his girlfriend into a friend which is a girl.

"haa...not today some other day..." Miya doesn't even wait and walkways.

That was the forth approach from the cool but sharp tongue prince, Jin.

"what is happening nowadays? how many time has is it that weird princes are approaching me?"

"Miya..... my girlfriend" Miya doesn't look at the face and directly lift her kick but was stop in middle by hands.

"haffff....that was closed..... mia, you want my machine to break so that I can't produce my heirs later." Denial was so happy but didn't think that the time he met Miya, she will directly kick him from nowhere.

" is you," Miya said calmly.

"huh! don't give me 'oh it is you' that what was that for?"

"Oh, that was to kill the flies " Miya again said calmly.

'heck, I will believe that reason', Denial rolled his eyes.

that was the fifth approach from friendly prince Denial.

"Miya from today you will be my student assistant" teacher from before who gave warning to her the last time.

"but teacher....i....i..." Miya can't say that she works part-time because this high school don't allow to work.

"if you don't have a specific reason to refuse my offer then you could only accept.... do you get it..?" teacher, Samuel said.

Miya could only nod her head.

A sixth approach from the prince, Samuel. oh, do you think that the princes are the only student but you are the seven princes of Hilary school including a young teacher Samuel and a school nurse Ben.

How did Miya and Ben get to know?

When Miya was running from her classmates she got hurt 'OUCH'.

She went to a room which was dark but to runway from her classmate. she shut the door and wait for them to go away.

She sighed and turned but she collided with a person standing near her who was wearing white cloth, "MY GOD..GHOST...😱😱"Miya's nearly fainted but the white ghost holds her from falling.

"what are you doing here in the nurse room?" Ben said to her.

"haaa!!! don't eat me.....huh!nurse room?" Miya asked in a blank face.

Nodding his head Ben touched the switch and with 'click' sound the light of the room 'on'.

Miya's heart was pounding very fast.

In the process of switching the light, Ben got near Miya and their body was so closed that if any one of them turned their head they can

Seeing her red face, Ben realised their position so he back out and looked at Miya. A smile automatically comes in the face of Been.

"do... you....not that you..(pointing her) be my girl" Ben also doesn't know what he was saying ? all he knows that after seeing her . He wanted to make her his no matter what.

And this is the seventh approach from beauty nurse prince, Ben.

'HAAA! my normal life.....' Miya can only put her hand on her face and started to cry....