
[Ding! Would the host want to Inherit the Inheritance of the Grandmaster of Mystic arts Drog?]

"This..." Eizen was surprised! He didn't expect to get this kind of reward! But the only problem is... this is a mage Inheritance not a warriors Inheritance. Although Eizen can accept this Inheritance because of his extra 5 stat points but if he accepts this Inheritance can he still accept an inheritance for a warrior class?

"I really want to accept your Inheritance Grandmaster Drog but can I ask you one question first?" Eizen said respectfully to Drog.

"And what is your question?"

"If I accept your Inheritance can I also accept an another Inheritance for a warrior class if I manage to find one that is." Eizen said respectfully.

"In normal cases no. You can only accept one Inheritance." Said Drog to Eizen.

"Then sorry but I have to refuse your offer Grandmaster Drog." Eizen respectfully declined Drog's offer because If he'll accept the Inheritance of a mage it will only ruin Eizen's future path.

"Don't reject my offer yet. I told you that you can only accept one Inheritance in normal cases but not in your case because you have the legendary supreme physique. This is the legendary physique that can only be owned by a single person in an era so it won't be as simple as only giving you a stronger body and mind. It will also allow you to accept 2 Inheritances or possibly more! A normal persons body can only carry the burden of recieving one Inheritance because of the lack of qualifications but you are different." Said Drog while looking at Eizen with hope in his eyes.

"No offense Grandmaster Drog but what you're telling... is it the truth?" Eizen asked Drog his voice trembling because of excitement! If what GrandMaster Drog said just now was the truth Eizen will accept his Inheritance right now! Because nothing is scarier than a warrior who can cast high tier magic in the battlefield!

"In that case I accept your Inheritance Grandmaster Drog!" After Eizen said that the scene infront of him changed and saw a battlefield in front of him.

"This was the New world in the past. War was a normal thing and about thousands of people dies everyday because of the war between kingdoms."

" There are lots of strong people of different races who rose during this period. some fought for peace, for their families,freedom, revenge, and some just fought to slaughter."

"let me guess your one of the people who fought for peace right?" Eizen said to Drog respectfully.

" I wish I fought for war but no. back then I was only a scholar trying to research the mystic arts. After a few years the war got worse and evil forces started to appear and started to conquer the land."

"And then what happened?" Eizen asked Drog with a look of curiosity on his face.

" It looks like the story of the new world is not as shallow as I thought" Eizen said to himself.

"The war ended with all sides in a weakened state but you don't have to worry about that now. That was hundred of years ago. As much as I want to tell you more about the past and the mystic arts my time is almost up so I can only give you my inheritance."

Eizen nodded and walked towards Drog. Drog said before that he was from the past so Eizen understood that this is only Drog's remaining power and he lasted this long because he wanted to find someone to inherit his legacy.

"alright get ready I'll start to transfer my remaining energy to you." Drog said while putting out his hand and pointing them towards Eizen." I forgot to tell you this might hurt so be ready! you must stay awake at all cost if you fall unconscious you might not get the inheritance and even get a permanent injury!"

"what!? wa-wait!"

"too late." Drog said with a smile on his face while his power started to flow towards Eizen's body and his body also began to fade away slowly.

"Aghhhh!!! F*ck!! Damn it! isn't the pain setting of the game at the 10%!?" right now Eizen is feeling intense pain but becauss of his experience of thousands of years his will can never be broken by this little amount of pain!

Right now Eizen is sitting cross legged with his body full of sweat. You can see that he's having a hard time because of the pained expression on his face.

Eizen doesn't know how long he's been sitting cross legged in this cave. the power that is being transferred to him by Drog is really abundant and pure! if Eizen doesn't have the supreme physique it's still not sure if he can last this long because the energy from Drog is really too powerful and it looks like it's not only one power being transferred to him but all of Drog's research over the years all of the magic spells that he learned.

"It looks like you having the supreme Physique isn't just for show. You persevered until the end of the transfer and thanks to that I managed to give you all of my remaining powers. I sealed some spells and other magic inside your body and you will begin to unlock them as you grow stronger. with your strength now if I don't seal those magic your body will explode no doubt. Well... now that I already gave you my remaining magic power I don't have much time left in this world." Drog said while smiling. His body is already illusory and is disappearing slowly.

"Thank you Grandmaster for giving me this Inheritance! I won't let you down and let the world know all of your achievements! I promise to let them know how strong Mystic magic really is!" said Eizen while bowing his head towards Drog.

Drog nodded with a smile on his face and said." If you can promise me one more thing can you..."

"It's the least I can do to thank you for this gift you gave me." Eizen said reassuring Drog that he will complete his request.

"thank you... and Good luck because you aren't the only one to get this kind of inheritance..." said Drog before finally disappearing giving Eizen one last warning.

after that Eizen first went offline to see what time it is and when he logged out he learned that it was already 7pm! he spent hours in that cave and majority of the players in the new world are almost level 2!

Eizen first ate dinner and at 8pm he already logged in the New world! although he suffered a few hours inside the game, because of his string mind and soul he didn't even get tired and is still full of energy! for Eizen the Immortal Emperor even if he doesn't eat or sleep for years he will still be fine because of the Immortal Qi inside his body.

"Alright! it's time to see how much I gained in that inheritance!" Eizen said with a smile on his face while logging inside the game.