Jedrek had never smelled something so intoxicating and maddening like this. He didn't know what kind of scent this was. Blooming flower? But, what kind of flower? Since Jedrek was not a fan of those fragile things, his mind couldn't find the answer.

Yet, the scent alone almost drove him and his beast crazy. 

The scent hit him hard until he could barely walk.And then, the sudden stop that he made, evoked the questioning looks of the eight people behind him.

It was Lyrus, who came to his side and asked. "Everything is alright, My Lord?" 

Jedrek's jaw clenched tightly, that people could see his bulging veins on his neck and forehead. 

Lyrus frowned upon seeing Jedrek's condition. "I will check on…"

Yet, before Lyrus could finish his words, Jedrek had raised his hand, signaling to his seven generals to go first.