"No, there is someone there! There is someone there!" Suddenly Hope was getting frantic, and this was the first time ever he saw her acting like this. 

"Hope!" He said, while holding her face between his palms. Never had he thought that this would happen. He watched the way her anxious eyes focused on the dense trees. Those eyes were refusing to look at him, no matter how hard he tried to calm her with his touch. "Just tell me who is there!?"

Hope shifted her attention back to her mate. Her brows wrinkled as she bit her lips, she seemed hesitant to answer him. "I don't know… but, she is calling for me."

"Why is she calling you?" Kace failed to understand the mystery behind Hope's sudden outburst. It didn't make any sense at all. They were sleeping, and all of a sudden she woke up. On top of that, she was immediately behaving so strangely, and talking nonsensical things like this.