"You are awake," Lilac put down the book in her hands and stood up from the plush chair that she had been sitting for hours now.

Outside the window, the sun was almost down and the porridge in the bowl that was meant for Jedrek turned cold because the king had been unconscious since his fight with Maximus.

Jedrek squinted his eyes and tried to move his body, but he couldn't do so. His body felt very weak, as if he had not used it for so long. "What happened?" he asked dryly. His throat felt like he just ate sand.

Lilac came over with a glass of water in her hand and sat down on the edge of the bed, beside him. She helped Jedrek to arrange the pillows behind him, so he could drink the water without choking.

"You killed Maximus, but it seems like he did something to you before he died." Lilac supported Jedrek's neck and helped him to drink.