Lilac suddenly woke up when she felt someone moving around her room.

At first, she thought it was Jedrek, but then she realized it was not him, some stranger was walking in circles around her bed, where she was currently sleeping in. When that understanding dawned upon her, her mind turned sharp. With her eyes closed, Lilac awaited in alert about what this thing would do.

Hence, the moment she felt something inching toward her ankle trying to grab it, Lilac opened her eyes and rolled her body to the other side of the bed and then crouched down with both of her palms flat against the floor, in preparation to defend herself or attack, if needed.

Right before her eyes, Lilac could see black smoke, slowly solidifying itself and reshaped into a human form.

"Who are you?" Lilac looked around her and found she was all alone with the strange man with a dark cloak that covered his entire being.