"Is this what you call karma?" Kace crossed his arms defensively, while looking down at Jedrek, who was sitting on the edge of Theo's bed. "Having someone stab behind your back after what you did to your little brother all this time?" Kace sneered, but he didn't look very happy like he intended to, when he heard someone betrayed his brother.

Kace, Torak and Jedrek were now inside the room, which was being used as Theo's nursing chamber. It had been three days since the attack on the town nearby by the rogues, and even though Theo passed his critical condition, he was still unconscious.

Jedrek scoffed upon hearing Kace's words, he gave him a side-long glance before he spoke. "Don't worry, I have predicted this even before you ran away to find your little mate."

"So, you are saying you are used to keeping a traitor next to you?" Kace narrowed his eyes.

"Not a traitor, but traitors. And yes, I keep them close to me," Jedrek answered in a matter of fact tone.