Lilac was dressing the wounds on Jedrek's back, which appeared getting worse by the day. She couldn't help but frown as her eyes stung for seeing them.

"You don't have to do it if you can't handle it." Jedrek stared at Lilac's reflection through the mirror in front of them, which Lilac didn't realize before that they were actually sitting facing it and as a result, it was displaying all her expressions clearly to her mate now.

"So, who will do it for you? Serefina?" her voice dripped with more hatred than she intended to let out.

However, after saying that, Lilac realized how childish she was behaving and lowered her head, focusing all of her attention on his wounds.

Jedrek didn't tease her, there was no way he would do that, and he just pretended like he didn't even hear what Lilac just said.