It was the 'phoenix' and grabbed in its claw was Hope, the bird of the size as big as a regular human's body, loosened its grip on the guardian angel when they both were completely out of the cold water, making her fell on her back, while gasping for her breath.

Hope coughed violently, greedily breathing in the cold air. She didn't know how long she had been down there and was surprised that she was still alive.

"Hope!" Raine was the first person, who ran toward her with Lidya following behind her closely. "Are you alright?" she helped her up to sit down and hugged her soaked body, in order to give her some warmth, ignoring the fact that act would wet her own clothes.

"What have you done!?" Lidya glared viciously at the dwarf and immediately squatted down beside Hope. She touched Hope and Raine with her palms and the heat from her hands, helped to warm-up their freezing bodies a little.