Jedrek did not let Lilac stay on the battlefield before he charged forward with the rest of the lycanthropes and the faeries. He managed to convince the guardian angel to stay behind with Theo and Sybil.

The general did not seem happy with the fact that he was left out. However, what choice did have when it was a direct order from the king himself.

Not only that, even before he went to wreak havoc, Jedrek used the same method that he had used in the past, which left Lilac speechless…

Hadn't their relationship improved greatly? So, why did he still have to make her aggravated again? Did he lose his mind?

However, seeing how serious he was to prevent her from taking part in this fight, forced the guardian angel to relent reluctantly.

Lilac didn't want to make an unnecessary scene at a time when they were pressed to complete a crucial thing first.