[Call! We need to get out of here!] Sterling roared at the grey wolf of Calleb, when he noticed that he went ahead to fight more beasts, when they were supposed to retreat. They would die in vain if they kept fighting them.

Sterling saw that the grey wolf shook its head in refusal to listen whatever he was asking him to do.

[No, I have to find Raphael!] he said through mind-link stubbornly. [I have to make sure that he was all right!]

[Don't be stupid!] Sterling yelled angrily as he groaned and moved ahead to fight alongside Calleb. [You don't even know where he is!]

[I will find him!] Calleb roared back at Sterling as he killed another beast that attacked him.

[No! I will not let you go there!] Sterling's beast bumped the grey wolf and snarled at him. [Do you think I will let you go there all alone?! Your rash decision was a pure suicide!!!]

[Why do I want to suicide?! I just want to find Raphael!] Calleb yelled back frustratedly.