Once Stephan was released, he fell to the ground and started to vomit. He was a sobbing mess, trembling violently. However, what hurt him most, was not that he had lost his brother, but the realization that his brother was very lost until he didn't even hesitate to kill him, his own brother.

Raine turned her head to see Stephan, she tried to ignore the fact that there was a dragon, as big as a house, lying in the background, dead. And, with half of the room crumbled down and showed the night sky behind them, everything seemed to stop for the people inside the room.

For a few minutes, the room was only filled with the sound of Stephan grieving. The two Donovans were kind enough not to interrupt with it.

But, in the next minute, Raine walked toward him, Stephan was her friend, if she could still say it that way. Raine didn't know what his real motives back then when he agreed to look after her in the university for Torak, but it didn't matter now.