"Go on then!"


"No, listen to me!"

"We are going to wedge them in! That's what we do! From this side and that side, we just wedge them in!"

"…And squeeze them out!"

"Wedge them in?! Is that your plan?!"

That was the quarrel Dmitri heard the moment he entered the meeting room. It went without saying that his people were arguing about nothing again, forgetting that he was the leader here.

The hierarchy for the vampires was a little bit different from the pack for the lycanthropes and werewolves, they couldn't subdue those vampires with their Alpha's tone, instead of that, those vampires must be subjected to fear, only then could they be put in order.

"Shut up!"


Dmitri slammed opened the door and let his presence stop the fight between his people.

"WHAT NOW!?" He roared in anger, glaring at them one by one.