"I am sorry…" Jedrek said in a voice like a whisper, while caressing Lilac's face, before he approached Serefina.

And, Lilac could only stare with gloomy eyes, how Jedrek hugged Serefina's body which was already very weak and bleeding profusely, surrounded by Hope, who was crying until her shoulders trembled and her breathing turned ragged, and also Lidya, who kept trying to treat her.

It was just that, Serefina shook her head weakly at Lidya, asking her to stop. Because they knew, anyone who saw this would have known that there was no hope for Serefina with her injuries and a body condition like that.

And seeing this, made Hope cry even louder, she held Serefina's hand tightly, while shedding tears.

Lilac knew how close the witch was to Hope and how much Serefina meant to her.