Jedrek couldn't say how happy he was when he finally met Lilac and she still seemed to have feelings for him. It was unbelievable, but at the same it was an amazing feeling for him to say the least.

He wasn't used to sharing his feelings, but he wanted everyone to know that he was happy beyond words. It was quite complicated.

Apparently, Lilac had been living near her original house after she returned to this realm, but because of her youthful appearance, she could only stay there for a few years before she had to move to another place.

However, three months ago, she decided to return to this place again and opened this flower shop. She bought an apartment and wanted to stay here for as long as she could before she felt the need to move again.

And here they were, inside Lilac small, but comfortable apartment on the seventh floor of a residential building not too far from her flower shop.