Jedrek then walked closer toward their brother. The white little beast had now started whimpering in pain and looking at them with tearful eyes, while still scratching his body against the rock.

The moment Jedrek stopped near the riverbank, the white little beast came closer to him and was about to rub his body against his feet, but before he could do that, Jedrek lifted him by his scruff and carried him away from the river.

Once they were away from the river, Jedrek carelessly tossed the little beast on to the solid ground and spoke calmly. "Shift."

Kace was indeed a Donovan, but he was too small and was not in a good condition to refuse Jedrek's order when he used his Alpha tone.

Meanwhile, Torak could only shake his head upon seeing how Jedrek was treating their little brother. "Using your Alpha tone on him…" he muttered as he stood beside Jedrek. "You are unbelievable."