"You're perfect Aurora," Draghar said thoughtfully.

Aurora loved the way her name rolled off Draghar's tongue.

And the compliment made Aurora lower her head, for some reason she didn't dare to look into the shadow of the hoodie covering Draghar's face, because she knew that the man was currently staring at her intently.

Aurora could feel it, coupled with the heat that ran down her face, it made her breath hitch.

She didn't even know how to reply to Draghar's beautiful words, especially when he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek oh so softly.

The sensation that she felt on her skin, and also the way his lips touched her, was difficult to put into words or describe.

Aurora felt her whole world was so intoxicating.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," Draghar said suddenly, whispering to Aurora after he kissed the girl in front of him.