Tiana stared wide- eyed at what Reymond had done to Kayden. He was a total jerk for pulling out the oxygen tube from Kayden.

"Stop it! You will kill him!" Tiana cried with rage, she stepped forward, intending to do whatever it took to hurt Oliver's crazy father.

Now Tiana knows where Oliver got his madness from.

But, then casually, Reymond took out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Kayden's forehead while smiling sweetly at Tiana.

"Now tell me who killed my son?" Reymon's calm voice was far scarier than anything and his eyes flashed the vengeance.

"Me! I killed your son!" Tiana exclaimed, she saw Kayden was having trouble breathing, even when his eyes were closed. "Now put the oxygen back on him."

Hearing this statement, Reymon burst out laughing, as if he had just heard the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life.